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Staff Writer
Dec 4, 2018
Professor's tells of live organ donation in new book
Asem Abdelfattah Staff Writer A Troy lecturer has self-published her first book detailing her journey as a living organ donor, hoping to...
Staff Writer
Dec 4, 2018
Second 'Let's Talk' addresses injustice
Abby Taylor Assistant News Editor Students and faculty members gathered Wednesday in the Rinhart Auditorium at the second session of the...
Staff Writer
Nov 29, 2018
Troy student bound to grand jury on murder charges
Jeremyah Howell, a Troy University student, has been bound to a grand jury on charges that he killed a man he found in his girlfriend’s...
Staff Writer
Nov 28, 2018
Stewart leaves legacy of journalism excellence
Pradyot Sharma Steve Stewart, an assistant professor of journalism, will be stepping down from his role as adviser to the Tropolitan...
Staff Writer
Nov 28, 2018
Bikes and scooters can be hazards to disabled students
Ora Nelson Although students may find Spin bikes or scooters in interesting places, displaced bikes or scooters could cause problems for...
Staff Writer
Nov 28, 2018
Business college gets accreditation
Asem Abdelfattah The Sorrell College of Business at Troy University is now accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools...
Staff Writer
Nov 28, 2018
Students sometimes face $75 fines for parking on unmarked curbs
Emma Daniel McKinley Livingston, a senior nursing major from Decatur, was expecting a parking ticket when she parked her car on the left...
Staff Writer
Nov 28, 2018
Business college gets accreditation
Asem Abdelfattah The Sorrell College of Business at Troy University is now accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools...
Staff Writer
Nov 28, 2018
Annual ISCO Festival brings international flavor to Troy
Georgia Blanchard The International Student Cultural Organization (ISCO) held its annual ISCO Festival Thursday, Nov. 15, featuring food...
Staff Writer
Nov 28, 2018
New ‘Sabrina’ gives creepy twist to iconic comic
Draven Jackson The modern adaptation of “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” sees the iconic comic witch in a much darker and much more twisted...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Troy student arrested in hit-and-run investigation
The Troy Police Department has arrested Troy student Michael Alfonzo McKenney II, 22, for a hit-and-run that injured another Troy student...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Troy releases Annual Safety Report
Zach Henson Troy University recently published its Annual Safety Report, detailing crime statistics for the 2017 calendar year that...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Singers take on Brahms’ ‘Requiem’
Andrea Hammack Troy University’s Collegiate Singers will be premiering a new performance this Friday night of Brahms’ “Requiem.” Each...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Panel weighs perks of studying abroad
Georgia Blanchard To kick off International Education Week, Troy’s study abroad program hosted a panel discussion with five students...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Troy student charged with murder
Jeremyah Deunte Howell, a Troy University student, and Tharion Vincient Nye have been arrested and charged with the murder of Rashad...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Students selected for art exhibit in Tennessee
Olivia Nobles Three students from Troy’s Department of Art and Design are having their entries featured in the Bellwethers Exhibit of...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Thanksgiving potluck offers fun, food, and fellowship
Abby Taylor Chi Alpha campus ministries will host its annual Thanksgiving potluck dinner on Friday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m., inviting...
Staff Writer
Nov 14, 2018
Military dinner honors veterans with tradition
Asem Abdelfattah Troy for Troops held its second annual Dining Out Dinner on Nov. 8 in the Trojan Center ballrooms. The event is a...
Staff Writer
Nov 8, 2018
Palladium wins 3rd place in best yearbook nationwide
Erin Jones The Palladium, Troy University’s yearbook, recently won two national Pinnacle awards for the 2016-2017 school year, taking...
Staff Writer
Nov 8, 2018
Hawkins Park in disrepair
Abby Taylor The Janice Hawkins Cultural Arts Park is experiencing erosion and water damage, causing engineers to rethink some design...
Staff Writer
Nov 8, 2018
Art exhibition displayed work from 18 alumni
Georgia Blanchard The Department of Art and Design recently hosted “Back to the Future,” an art exhibition that showcased the work of 18...
Staff Writer
Nov 8, 2018
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’: Student reviews true story of one of the ‘most influential’ bands in history
Andrea Hammack “Bohemian Rhapsody,” the new biopic on the rock band Queen, started playing in theaters Friday, Nov. 2, and rocked the...
Staff Writer
Nov 8, 2018
Republicans dominate elections locally and statewide
Ora Nelson Midterm elections were held on Tuesday, leading to another term of largely Republican representation and the passage of...
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