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Rakshak Adhikari
Mar 28, 2018
Students and faculty approve of daylight saving bill proposal
The Alabama Senate recently passed a bill calling for permanent daylight saving time in the United States. The daylight saving time in...

Mar 21, 2018
Students evade high prices, swap textbooks using Facebook page
Goodness Ohia Obioha The Facebook group “Troy University Textbooks” was created by students to lessen the financial burden of spending...

Mar 21, 2018
Initiative to reward good deeds with $1000 charitable donation
An initiative is being started to recognize students, faculty and staff who have the “Troy Trojan Heart” and encompass the spirit of...

Lauren Post
Mar 21, 2018
Music school to feature guest artists and student work at clarinet symposium on Saturday
The John M. Long School of Music is preparing for its annual Clarinet Day, a celebration of clarinetists of all ages and playing levels,...

Emma Daniel
Mar 21, 2018
Psychology student awarded federal scholarship to study in South Korea
Claire Humphreys, a senior psychology major from Atlanta, has a tattoo on her wrist of a world map, illustrating her love to travel, and...

Abby Taylor
Mar 21, 2018
‘Geeks Speak’ lecture series to teach entrepreneurship, personal finance, business tips and customer relations
The Sorrell College of Business will be hosting “Geeks Speak,” where speakers from the Southeast will speak on topics every Tuesday and...

Madina Seytmuradova
Mar 21, 2018
Free clothes closet opens doors to students with attire donated by faculty
Career Services held a soft opening for its career closet initiative, a venture designed to help students have access to professional...

Victoria Cirilli
Mar 21, 2018
Teams gear up for annual Relay for Life
This Saturday, March 24, Relay for Life will take place from noon to 5 p.m. on the Shackelford Quad, or Sartain gymnasium if the weather...
Tori Roper-Bedsole
Mar 21, 2018
New York Times online access now free to Troy students
Troy students will now have free digital access to The New York Times. The last time students had access to the Times was in 2015, when...

Emma Daniel
Mar 21, 2018
Gus McKenzie hopes to use his voice to influence administration as Troy’s SGA president
Gus McKenzie can often be found in admissions, giving tours and explaining why Troy hopefuls and their families should choose Troy...

Tori Roper-Bedsole
Mar 8, 2018
Troy University Police get new communication system
A recent grant from Gov. Kay Ivey will allow the Troy University Police Department to complete an extensive update to its communications...

Abby Taylor
Mar 8, 2018
Emergency fund to help students stay in school
The Wilson-Williams Emergency Fund, started by Troy alumni Jerry and Mary Williams, is intended to help students in an emergency...

Asem Abdelfattah
Mar 8, 2018
SGA asks administration for more campus lighting
The Student Government Association (SGA) passed a resolution authored by Freshman Forum’s Student Welfare Committee that aims to solve...

Asem Abdelfattah
Feb 22, 2018
SGA approves two new clubs
The Student Government Association passed the constitutions of the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity and the Kaggler student organization...

Pradyot Sharma
Feb 22, 2018
Troy receives 3.46% hike in House budget
The Educational Trust Fund (ETF) appropriations for Troy University increased from $49.3 million to $51 million for 2019, an increase of...

Rakshak Adhikari
Feb 22, 2018
International faculty drive cultural education at Troy
Garrett Davies, a sophomore computer science major from Robertsdale, remembers the day when his Indian-born English professor explained...

Tu To
Feb 22, 2018
McCall encourages students to seek help when battling addiction
Joe McCall, a senior lecturer in the history department, shared his personal story about drug and alcohol abuse at a meeting with Tau...

Tori Roper-Bedsole
Feb 22, 2018
Meet the SGA executive candidates
The Student Government Association (SGA) will hold executive board elections on Wednesday, Feb. 28, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students will...

Ashley Brown
Feb 22, 2018
Students want answers from housing office
Students said they are having problems getting issues in their dorm rooms acknowledged and resolved. “As we receive word of a problem, we...

Zach Henson
Feb 22, 2018
SGA executive board hopefuls discuss platforms during debate
The Student Government Association held a debate for the SGA executive board candidates to discuss their platforms. President Candidates...

Zach Henson
Feb 22, 2018
Craig Pittman: ‘Our job is to tell people what’s really going on’
“Our job is not to change things,” said Craig Pittman, a reporter for the Tampa Bay Times. “Our job is to tell people what’s really going...

Asem Abdelfattah
Feb 15, 2018
SGA approves Blacks Exceeding, Black Student Union clubs
The Student Government Association (SGA) passed the constitutions of two new clubs, Blacks Exceeding and the Black Student Union, during...

Zach Henson
Feb 15, 2018
Chinese and Vietnamese student associations to celebrate Lunar New Year
The Chinese Students and Scholars Association and the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) will host Lunar New Year celebrations on Feb....

Zach Henson
Feb 15, 2018
ATO prepares for annual Walk Hard event
The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity (ATO) will hold its ninth annual Walk Hard event to raise money to support wounded veterans over spring...
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