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Abby Taylor
Oct 5, 2016
New businesses in Troy
Posh & P Boutique is one of the new women’s merchandise stores in Troy. The boutique, which opened on June 21 in Downtown Troy, is...

Sep 28, 2016
Trojan Center lot coming…soon?
Justin Blowers Troy University is going to “pull the trigger” on plans for more parking. According to Dean of Student Services Herbert...

Sep 28, 2016
Practicing Islam in the Bible Belt
Lirona Joshi Alabama’s close-knit, predominantly Christian community is a home for Troy University. Its international program brings...

Sep 28, 2016
Free fall festivities on the Square in full swing
Kat Rogers Staff Writer Sumaiya Afroze Contributor Neha Sharma Contributor This fall, the city of Troy will be holding several events on...

Sinclair Portis
Sep 28, 2016
Mu Alpha chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha hosts donation drive
The Mu Alpha chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha is hosting a donation project to collect hats, clothes and scarves for families in need. This...

Abby Taylor
Sep 28, 2016
Survey identifies post-grad test prep options
The Student Government Association is working with Kaplan Test Prep to bring affordable test preparation options to Troy’s campus. “The...

Tu To
Sep 28, 2016
Introductory course in Italian language to be offered spring ’17 on Troy campus
The Troy University Department of Modern Languages and Classics will offer students the first Italian language course for the upcoming...

Sep 28, 2016
Full-time student and a full-time mom
Lasata Shrestha For most students, college is about learning to balance their academics and their social life, but there are students in...

Taylor Boydstun
Sep 28, 2016
Johnson Center looking to hire local artists, extends reach to Troy’s campus
The Johnson Center for the Arts opened the doors to its new building in downtown Troy on Thursday, Sept. 15. The building, intended for...

Asem Abdelfattah
Sep 28, 2016
Night Walk sheds light on campus safety
The Student Government Association’s meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 27, focused on remarks, recognition and revision. All students who...

Sinclair Portis
Sep 21, 2016
Fanatix gaming store opens a new location in Troy
A new business has opened in the city of Troy called Fanatix, a gaming store equipped with many popular board, card and video games as...

Lilly Casolaro
Sep 21, 2016
Banned Books art to be displayed next week
Troy University Library is gearing up for its annual Banned Books Week from Sunday, Sept. 25, to Saturday, Oct. 1. The purpose of the...

Sep 21, 2016
Organ transplants succeeds for student JoJo McBride
Maggie Cox Staff Writer Tori Roper Editor in Chief For many students, August means starting a new chapter. For JoJo, it meant winning a...

Lilly Casolaro
Sep 21, 2016
Teens clowning around
Troy police say they know the names of the two high school boys who published threats on Facebook under the title “ClappyAndslappy...

Sep 21, 2016
‘Out of Darkness’ walk to commemorate National Suicide Month on Troy’s campus
Pratiksha Joshi “I lost my friend to suicide last week. I was completely numb for a day,” said Bikash Rumey, a freshman economics major...

Priyanka Sharma
Sep 21, 2016
Professors talk about their life away from the office
Kenneth LaBrant, associate professor of Spanish, who has been teaching for the past 26 years, said that early in life he never thought he...

Kat Rogers
Sep 21, 2016
Former Troy students convicted
Ryan Austin Calhoun, 22, and Delonte Martistee, 22, both former Troy students, will be sentenced on Oct. 21 after being convicted last...

Asem Abdelfattah
Sep 21, 2016
SGA announces Dining Appreciation Day
National Food Service Appreciation Day will be recognized on Troy’s campus next week, and the Student Government Association has a plan...

Abby Taylor
Sep 21, 2016
Let freedom roll: Constitution Day celebrated
Two student organizations were on a roll celebrating free speech this past week. On Monday, student representatives from Students For...

Maggie Cox
Sep 16, 2016
TV channels Trojans’ spirit
Troy University was solo featured by WSFA-TV. WSFA, the NBC network affiliate in Montgomery, held a live production on the Bibb Graves...

Asem Abdelfattah
Sep 14, 2016
SGA tours technology updates in library
The Student Government Association’s weekly meeting was held Tuesday in the library for the first time. Senator Avalon Dudinsky, a senior...

Sep 14, 2016
Student endows foundation scholarship
Tu To Staff Writer Nijhoom Roy Staff Writer Cole DeBardelaben, a sophomore information systems major from Montgomery, has established a...

Sinclair Portis
Sep 14, 2016
Mortar Board earns national excellence award for 2nd time
The Troy University Spires Chapter of Mortar Board has been selected as the Gold Torch recipient for the second time in the school’s...

Lilly Casolaro
Sep 14, 2016
Tribute paid to Troy educator
Henry Barwood, professor of geology at Troy University, went into surgery to remove a kidney stone on Friday, Sept. 9. According to...
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