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Mar 16, 2016
The effect that these chain stores have on Troy’s local businesses By Jesse Derington With the buzz continuing to build up around a...
Tyler Wooley
Mar 16, 2016
The American language conundrum: A discussion about what exactly is this country’s native speech
I think it is safe to say that each of us has met someone who says things that are completely ignorant. I know I have. You know those...

Tyler Wooley
Mar 3, 2016
Heart to heart with Reeves: seeking change
We waited for a few minutes until it was time for our meeting. We were early, so this was to be expected. Ryan Wilkes, a senior...

Mar 3, 2016
Einstein Bros.: the theory of a bagel
Jane Morrell Opinion Editor Whitney Cale Staff Writer After hearing the many complaints about the Einstein Bros. café, Jane Morrell,...
Feb 25, 2016
Letter to the editor Two issues of impact: Trans-Pacific Partnership and I-Squared Bill
Americans have lost the meaning of what this country really is. America is more than an accounting sheet. America is more than the sum of...

Jane Morrell
Feb 25, 2016
Making Troy University ‘great again’
Editor’s note: This piece is a satire and not a factual article Yesterday, in a press conference, Donald Trump announced to the press...

Katie Miller
Feb 18, 2016
Taking a look at Barbie’s ‘new look’
Earlier this month, Mattel released a new line of Barbie products in order to increase sales and skyrocket past other toy companies in...

Katie Miller
Jan 28, 2016
99 problems: is Wi-Fi one of them?
College students rely on stable Wi-Fi for homework, Internet surfing or checking social media. However, Wi-Fi connectivity is...

Tyler Wooley
Jan 28, 2016
Winter car maintenance guide for the South
Those of you who grew up in the North — and those of us who lived through “The Snowpocalypse” — have seen the destructive power of...

Whitney Cale
Jan 21, 2016
Lottery: a jackpot idea for Alabama? Gambling is a small cost for other benefits
“You just hit the jackpot!” If you’re reading this and you made the trip to purchase a lottery ticket, you didn’t have the good fortune...
Katie Miller
Jan 21, 2016
Sound of the South provides community; An organization that ‘represents every virtue of Troy University’
Even during the spring, the Sound of the South continues to uphold its legacy by providing service to Troy University through attendance...

Jane Morrell
Jan 14, 2016
Troy University’s ‘faux’ Chick-fil-A
The pleasures of being a college student are as endless as the choices you have to make each and every day. For some, living as a college...

Grishma Rimal
Jan 11, 2016
Financial aid policy fair or burdensome?
“Your financial aid will be impacted if you do not enroll in required courses,” said the email sent out to several students from the...

Matt Firpo
Jan 4, 2016
Stipends: will this really help athletes?
Money—there’s never enough of it, and always too much needed to survive, as poor students who can barely afford to study and work...

Jane Morrell
Jan 4, 2016
A&W stands for adequate, worth the wait
It’s time to return to my new food column, with our special guest this week being Troy University’s A&W. When walking up to A&W, the...

Alyse Nelson
Nov 19, 2015
A farewell for now, but not a goodbye
Though my time at Troy isn’t quite over, and neither is my time with the Trop, my stint as a section editor has come to an end — so I get...

Jessica Smith
Nov 19, 2015
Words are hard when you’re saying goodbye
I’ve claimed Troy as my hometown for over 20 years, so I should probably know where the majority of important buildings are on campus....

Katie Miller
Nov 12, 2015
Our campus is a bit of a fixer upper: Students discuss campus buildings that need renovations
With renovations of the MSCX building planned, students have turned their attention toward other sites that they feel need to undergo...

Whitney Cale
Nov 12, 2015
Troy University’s SOS system lacking: Emergency alert needs upgrade
When you hear the acronym “SOS,” what do you think of? Perhaps words like “emergency” or “urgent” come to mind. The Troy SOS emergency...

Nov 5, 2015
Stigma surrounds sexual assault
Tori Roper Staff Writer Alyse Nelson Features Editor According to a report by the National Institute of Justice, 20-25 percent of women...

Jane Morrell
Nov 5, 2015
With animals comes great responsibility
The term “puppy dog eyes” exists for a reason. When a dog — or any pet, for that matter — gazes up at you with those sad, begging eyes,...

Jane Morrell
Oct 28, 2015
Graduating with a degree, not a regret
It is time for spring registration here at Troy University, and for some, it will be a like a stroll through the park. For few others, it...
Ngoc Vo
Oct 14, 2015
Student evaluations fair? Biased rating harmful to effective reflection
As registration for the spring classes is around the corner, students are checking the website for reviews of...

Sep 30, 2015
How to deal with being single at Troy University
By Tamela Staples Some college students might feel as though having a significant other in college is a requirement in order to enjoy the...
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