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Scott McLendon
Aug 26, 2015
‘Nerdfighters’ club starts at Troy
“Nerdfighteria” is beginning to bud on the campus of Troy University. “Nerdfighters,” which make up the community of “Nerdfighteria,” are...

Lacey Alexander
Aug 19, 2015
Troy University Theatre and Dance announces its season for this year
Troy University’s Department of Theatre and Dance commences its year with the announcement of the stage production season. The students,...

Alyse Nelson
Aug 19, 2015
A summer of adventure
Becoming a teacher in China and celebrating the two different cultures Spending a month teaching middle schoolers English while living in...

Whitney Cale
Aug 19, 2015
Harper Lee’s new novel falls short
One of the most highly acclaimed novels in history, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” was the only published work accredited to Harper Lee for 55...

Alyse Nelson
Aug 11, 2015
The wake of the Wal-Mart apocalypse
Students are scrambling to complete their school shopping as crews of workers and the Wal-Mart employees themselves take on the task of...

Lacey Alexander
Aug 11, 2015
The Cains’ continue their success with new, self-titled EP
The Cains, formerly “The Cains Trio,” released their self-titled five-track EP on July 21 to digital music retailers. The country record...

Scott McLendon
Aug 11, 2015
Splatoon offers fresh take on third person shooter genre
The video game “Splatoon,” a third-person shooter produced by Nintendo, has taken the Wii U online community by storm since its release...

Staff Writer
May 13, 2015
A guide to avoid the freshman 15
Emily Paige Blodgett Students can learn how to avoid the freshman 15 and stay well by knowing the services offered at Troy University and...

May 13, 2015
Manage your time, and get better results
Kimberly Steele Time can often mean the difference between turning in a great assignment and proper understanding or a slap-dash,...

May 13, 2015
Dress properly for the occasion
Will Reinert “The student pulled up his trousers, pushed back his shoulders, and walked with confidence to his class.”That is how...

May 13, 2015
Don’t waste money on textbooks
Jane Morrell Paige Bartlett lays her syllabus on the table, sips coffee and begins to compare prices on for a required...

Apr 22, 2015
Professors bid farewell to Troy
Grishma Rimal Variety Editor Beth Hyatt Copy Editor At the end of the academic year, graduates are getting ready to move onto the next...

Beth Hyatt
Apr 22, 2015
Polishing interview skills
Since the job hunt is about to begin for soon-to-be graduates, it is important to be prepared for what lies ahead. While sending in the...

Staff Writer
Apr 22, 2015
Water balloon fight to be held
Troy University’s Students for Social Justice will host an end-of-the-semester water balloon fight to raise money from Amnesty...

Apr 22, 2015
Outstanding freshman
Jordan Ochoa Contributor Philip Agee Contributor While some students are finding difficulty summoning the energy to press “Next Episode”...

Tori Roper-Bedsole
Apr 22, 2015
Making music into a living
Ben Strong, a senior music education major from Sylacauga, is involved in many aspects of music on and around Troy’s campus. Strong was...

Alyse Nelson
Apr 16, 2015
Graduation got you down?
“A lot of people waste a lot of time in college,” said graduating senior Philip Agee. “If you actually do anything in college, you would...

Michael Shipma
Apr 15, 2015
Guitar and flute concert to explore music history
The John M. Long School of Music will present a guitar and flute concert performed by Robert Gibson and Rachel Nozny on Friday, April 17,...

Priyanka Sharma
Apr 15, 2015
The art of poetry celebrated
Troy University’s English department and the Alabama Literary Review invited Randy Blythe and Ted Hadden to read their poetry in...

Jill Odom
Apr 14, 2015
Randy Blythe to read poetry at Troy University
For National Poetry Month, Alabamian and poet Randy Blythe will give a reading on Monday, April 13, at 5:15 p.m. in Hawkins Auditorium....

Beth Hyatt
Apr 8, 2015
Creating the best first impression on paper
As graduation day draws near, many students eagerly await the moment they will walk across the stage, while others dread it. Job...

Lacey Alexander
Apr 8, 2015
Troy Chorale to sing in the spring
The Troy University Concert Chorale brings its singing talents to Troy in late April. The Concert Chorale, a chamber choir of roughly 30...

Lacey Alexander
Apr 8, 2015
Frequency to welcome warm weather with show
Frequency, the Troy University Vocal Jazz Ensemble, sings its jazz tunes in concert later this April. Frequency is composed of 12 student...

Alyse Nelson
Apr 8, 2015
Inaugural Peace Walk
Troy University is hosting the inaugural Peace Walk this Saturday in celebration of the first rounds of training for newly implemented...
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