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Staff Writer
Mar 20, 2019
Opinion: Women still have much to achieve for equality
Draven Jackson In the event of Women’s History Month, it is important that we evaluate where we, as a nation, stand in terms of gender...
Staff Writer
Feb 13, 2019
Opinion: Hope for healing not just limited to victims
Taylor Walding Two weeks ago, I wrote a column about finding healing through faith from sexual assault. The specific events I addressed...
Staff Writer
Feb 7, 2019
The internet killed the video star: one student's thoughts on modern music
Matt Firpo “The times they are a changin’” – though he may not have known it then, Bob Dylan predicted the future of music with these...
Staff Writer
Sep 27, 2018
Opinion: #MeToo about the victims, not a political tool
Victoria Cirilli Allegations of sexual misconduct are frequent today and severely affect both the accuser and the accused. A victim of...

Pradyot Sharma
Nov 1, 2017
#MeToo movement demands a response stronger than sympathy
The aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein fiasco has been the #MeToo movement. The movement has been trending on social media after many...
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