Camille Coney5 hours agoTROJAN LIVINGYH4: Awards Galore Students nationwide awarded at the Yellowhammer Film Festival Student filmmakers got the chance to learn from their peers and industry...
Kris HarrellAug 13TROJAN LIVINGYellowhammer opens for film submissionsThe Yellowhammer Film Festival has opened its doors for submissions, as officials prepare for the panels and exhibition to come. For...
Ian MaddoxApr 10TROJAN LIVINGStudents to be featured in Film WeekEleven Troy University students will have their films showcased in Birmingham, Alabama, at the Sidewalk Film Festival for their annual...
Max DeMarcoApr 3TROJAN LIVING48 Hours, one short film: Studio 207 shares their experience with the 48-hour film raceTroy University students were awarded by the Yellowhammer Film Festival for its 48-hour film race that took place over spring break. A...