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  • Alyse Nelson

A second chance to be yourself

Flowers and Christmas lights festooned the dark room, and the blaring music seemed to fill every empty inch of the dance floor.

Nestled in the woods at the Arboretum, a “Fairyland” theme seemed appropriate as Second Chance Prom, sponsored by Troy University’s Spectrum Alliance, began Friday.

The prom was hosted as a way for those unhappy with their prom experiences as teenagers to remake that and turn it into a positive and happy night.

With no dress code or rules about dates, everyone was welcome, from individuals to groups of friends, and couples who might have been unable to attend prom together in high school because both individuals were of the same gender.

“I went by myself, and it was OK, but not the ideal prom I would have liked,” said Stephanie Clinton, a sophomore theater major from Hueytown, of her high school prom experience. “I had a lot of fun at Second Chance Prom, mostly because I felt 100 percent comfortable just being myself there. I knew I wouldn’t be judged for grinding on my friends or dropping it low.”

“It went very well, we had a lot of students come out, and it was generally a good atmosphere,” said Jana Wieser, an international relations graduate student from Bremen, Germany.

“Second Chance was a lot more fun, relaxed, with a lot less pressure on image,” said Kayla McCormick, a senior sociology major from Enterprise. “It’s a time to let loose and be who you are with support all around you.”

Attendees began to arrive decked out in a variety of suits, dresses, gowns and other attire.

In the spirit of a high school prom many are familiar with, they then danced to a DJ late into the night and voted for “prom royalty” to be crowned at the end of the dance.

The dance even featured a photo booth complete with a box of props to pose with and to remember the night by.

“I am very proud of my members and officers who threw this together, and I am thankful for everyone that came and made it a great event,” said Wieser, club president. “We are all already excited for next year.”A second chance to be yourself

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