As I near graduation and the fear of what’s yet to come looms in my mind, I’ve been scouring the Internet for any sort of advice I can find for college seniors.
I recently came across an article called Eight Pieces of Advice for College Seniors on written by Bree Taylor and I think the her advice is pretty substantial and beneficial for those of us nearing graduation. I’ve also added in a tip of my own.
1. Stop stressing about your GPA
The thing is, a lot of us tend to worry a lot more about our GPA than is necessary.
Grades are important, but there’s a lot more to getting a great job than just having a decent GPA.
Taylor stresses that unless you’re applying for law school, medical school, or any other seemingly difficult field, your GPA isn’t as important as your experience and your knowledge of your field.
If you’re a journalism major, your future employer isn’t really going to care too much if you barely passed – or failed – that algebra course when you were an underclassman
Instead of worrying about your GPA, focus on the qualifications you have for the job at hand.
2. Keep your eye on the future
As most of us know, senior year flies by in the blink of an eye.
That’s why we have to take the time we have left to prepare ourselves for what happens post-graduation.
The great thing about Troy is that we have a ton of resources to prepare us for life after graduation.
Talking to career counselors, checking out career fairs, and even talking to your adviser and professors to gain some insight is really beneficial.
Also, don’t be ashamed to go home for awhile and save some money – honestly, it’s a great idea.
3. Live in the present
Senior year is a special time for college students.
It’s a time of feeling elated, sad, stressed, and scared.
Even though you should prepare for the future, know that in this moment there is only so much you can do.
Basically, you’re never going to have this chance again to be on this campus.
Soak it up while you can.
4. Enjoy time with your friends
The majority of us form lifelong friendships while in college; friendships that feel a lot like family.
Once college is over, it’s likely that you’re going to drift away from some of the friends you used to be close to. It’s totally normal.
Take the time to make memories now and enjoy the chance you have to spend all this time with your friends, because it could change a lot soon.
When you get out into the real world, you’re going to need those friends by your side when you start dealing with a whole new set of worries and life problems.
Enjoy this life while you can.
5. Keep being a crazy college student
When we graduate, the things that college students typically do isn’t going to be socially acceptable anymore.
The late-night drinking fests with your friends, the midnight runs to Wal-Mart, the Netflix and food binging — you’re not going to be able to do that when you’ve settled down with a real job.
Do all the things on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet.
Take advantage of the college experience and live it up.
The great thing about being 22 and in college is that I’m more of an adult than I used to be, but it’s still socially acceptable for me to behave like a typical college student.
So get out and make some memories.
6. Appreciate how far you’ve come
Look back on when you were a freshman and stepping onto this campus for the first time.
Think about the person you were and the people you spent time with back then.
Odds are, you’ve probably become a different person – hopefully, a better version of yourself.
Be thankful that you’re not that 18-year-old you once were.
7. Expect a culture shock
Campus life feels a lot like home after four or more years, and it’s going to feel super weird to leave this atmosphere.
You’ve probably gotten used to the schedule you have now – deciding when to take classes, deciding when to actually go to classes, sleeping until noon, etc.
That’s not really going to be an option one day.
You’re not going to be able to tell those inappropriate stories from college as an icebreaker anymore, so get used to behaving in a more professional manner.
8. The real world isn’t that bad
It’s not going to be as scary and intimidating as we think it will be.
Sure, it’ll be different, but not necessarily in a bad way.
You’ll have a chance to start over and start forming the person you want to become.
Think of it like this – the world is your oyster.
It’ll take some time to get prepared for it, but we’ll all find a way to make it work.
9. Don’t let the words of others discourage you
As all seniors know, this is the time when we constantly get bombarded with the question, “So, what’s your plan for after graduation?”
It’s typically frowned upon to say you have no idea, but let’s be real — the majority of us don’t know.
Along with not knowing what our plans are, some of us also struggle with being told we won’t achieve much in our chosen field.
We live in a world now where nearly anything is possible.
Don’t let anything make you think you can’t achieve your dream, no matter how big it is.