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Advice to freshmen


RAs around campus share what they’ve learned for our incoming class:


“Go to class and take notes.” – Kara Jane Henry, a junior mathematics major from Huntsville. (Shackelford)


“Read your syllabus.” – Leo Perdue, a sophomore psychology major from New Brockton. (Pace)


“Talk to your professors.” – Matt Mosley, a sophomore biomedical sciences major from Chipley, Florida. (Newman Center)


“Learn how to parallel park if you live in the Shack quad. Or don’t.” – Hannah Edwards, a sophomore English major from Camden. (Cowart)


“Never move your car. You will lose your parking spot.” – Jordan Taylor, a sophomore global business major from Birmingham. (New Hall)


“Get plugged in. Don’t be afraid to ask your RAs for advice.” – Meleah Morris, a senior exercise science major from Orlando, Florida. (Clements)


“Get to your class 15 minutes early because some teachers actually lock you out. If you want to get Chick-fil-A, get there 30 minutes early. Enjoy the free things – they don’t last long.” – Camri Martin-Bowen, a sophomore nursing major from Wetumpka. (Hamil)


“Don’t spend all your Flex Points in a month.” – Trevan Anderson, a junior biomedical sciences major from Birmingham. (Gardner)


“Use RateMyProfessors to schedule classes.” – Robert Kichler, a sophomore global business major from Simms. (Trojan Village 300)


“Don’t stress out and meet lots of people. Troy is what you make it. Don’t be like ‘Oh, I’m bored.’” – Sharrnique McEachem, a junior broadcast journalism major from Ashville. (Cowart)


“Go to class. That’s about it. College is a struggle.” – Kalen Busby, a junior secondary education and English major from Slapout. (Pace)




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