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  • Katie Miller

Afterthoughts on election

The 2016 election shocked everyone. Whether you voted Republican, Democrat or third party, I don’t think anyone expected the election to end up as it did. People raced to the polls last Tuesday, casting their vote to support one candidate or simply deny another. And naturally, some were satisfied and others were not.


Katelyn Smith, a sophomore English major from Andalusia, voted for Donald Trump. “I would say that I’m pleased, but there are some obvious problems with the candidate I chose.” The Trump administration will differ from Barack Obama’s because “he will be a little more assertive,” Smith said. “He will get things done quicker.”


Smith voted for Trump because his “conservative belief systems mirrored” hers.


Jada Sipp, a senior graphic design major from Memphis, Tennessee, voted for Hillary Clinton. “I absolutely could not fathom Trump being president,” Sipp said. “He ran his campaign entirely on hatred, misogyny and bigotry.”


Now that Trump is our president-elect, however, Sipp is trying to see the bright side. “I have no other option than to hope he gets it together. I hope he puts some policies into action that will benefit the people.”


Trump has been extremely clear with his views of Muslims, Mexicans and other minorities. Some, including me, are worried how he will encourage people to treat Americans who are not white. “He has been the mouthpiece for what every closet racist has been thinking,” Sipp said. “And now they think they have the power to openly express these views.”


Ryan Powers, a sophomore biology major from Pensacola, Florida, voted for Gary Johnson. “I did not like Clinton or Trump, and I didn’t want to not vote.” The election results were not surprising to Powers, however. “I kind of expected it, but I’m not going to overreact.”


Every election has backlash, but as a first-time voter, Powers is noticing the negativity firsthand. “People are already rioting over it. Some people are taking it a little too far.”


Honestly, if there were any anti-Trump rallies taking place near Troy, I would definitely join in. However, I highly discourage violence. Being violent is not the answer to this presidency.


Steven McLendon, a sophomore social science major from Dothan, voted for Donald Trump. “I like his platform. I don’t really like his character and how he carries himself, but I like everything that he stands for.”


Debates about whether or not the Electoral College is a reliable system for determining the president have sprung up recently, and McLendon gave his opinion. “I respect the Electoral College. I would like to see a popular vote candidate get elected.


“Socially, it’s going to take some time to heal,” McLendon said, “although Obama hasn’t really united us in any way, I don’t know if Trump is the person for that.


“He’s going to improve the economy and our international relations,” McLendon said. While that may be possible, “the racial gap is going to get a little wider.”


“I think we need to give him a chance to mess up or do something great,” McLendon said.


We need to wait and see what happens. We can get involved in politics, become educated and do our best to push our agendas that benefit the well-being of others. We can continue to stay positive and encourage others to do the same. In the words of Jada Sipp, “the election is over,” and Donald Trump is our president-elect.

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