Students looking for jobs or internships from all majors will have the opportunity to interact with prospective employers next week.
The fall career fair will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Sartain Hall and will showcase 55 to 60 employers, according to Lauren Cole, coordinator of career services.
“It’s a come-and-go event, and I would plan on staying there at least 30 minutes up to 45 minutes or an hour just to give themselvesenough time,” Cole said.
Students can also have professional headshots taken, which can later be accessed on the career services website, and their resumes reviewed.
“Resume is the first impression most of the time,” Cole said. The career services office reviews student resumes in its office located in Eldridge Hall and online at the website.
According to Cole, traits or qualities that employers are looking for include communication, critical thinking and willingness to learn.
“A willingness to learn is taking on things that might be outside your exact job description, put(ting) yourself out there and do(ing) a little studying of the company on your own,” Cole said.
Underclassman who already have an idea for their major are also encouraged to attend.
“You can never start too early networking,” Cole said. “It is good to get an idea of what these employers do every day.
“I would encourage students to attend for the experience and for the networking.”
Career Services recently changed its job posting site to a database called Handshake, and Cole encourages students to review employers beforehand and research the companies.
“If students can use Handshake and research companies, especially those (companies) that they are really interested in, and have some kind of foundation or surface knowledge, it will often impress employers,” Cole said.
According to an email sent out by career services on Tuesday, Oct. 10, “Handshake is the ultimate career network and recruiting platform for college students and young alumni. Over 200,000 companies and all of the Fortune 500 companies use Handshake to find students for all kinds of jobs.”
The night before the career fair, Tuesday, Oct. 17, there will be a networking mixer from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Hawkins-Adams-Long Hall consisting of eight to 10 employers, who will be available to answer student questions.
An email was sent out on Tuesday, Oct. 10, and interested students can RSVP by responding with their resumes to hold their spots.