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  • Patrick Stephens

Annual SGA Nightwalk serves to gain student insight about campus safety

The Fall 2013 Nightwalk is coming up on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 8 p.m.  The Nightwalk is a program sponsored by the Student Government Association designed to provide students an opportunity to give feedback to the university about any safety concerns they may have.


“Lighting on campus is a big deal to a lot of students, and students want to feel safe walking across campus.  The purpose of this program is to essentially just go around campus and see where their needs to be more lighting and other security updates,” said Paul Evans, a senior political science major from Montgomery.


“The SGA has divided the campus into zones that we will walk through.  Essentially students will go to the different zones, and once there they will write down and identify any security issues in those zones,” said Faith Mote, chair of the Student Welfare committee and organizer of this year’s Nightwalk. “We are going to take down all comments that students note and compile these before presenting them to the university.”


Everyone will be welcome at the event, and anyone that wishes to participate should meet in the downstairs area of the Trojan Center to be assigned different zones to survey.  If there are any areas that students have specific concerns that they wish to address, they will be allowed to go there and record the changes that they wish to be made.


“It’s a good idea for a program, but I feel like most of the issues that will be written down, the university already knows about,” said Kevin Sport, a senior secondary education major form Highland Home. “People know you don’t go to the Alumni parking lot at night.  You just don’t do it.”

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