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Anthony Krizan visits Troy MIC Check

Amanda Delgado Anthony Krizan, a former Spin Doctors guitarist, visited the Music Industry Program for MIC Check, an annual music event for students to exemplify their talents, on April 4 and 5. The event included performances by Frequency, The Jazz Ensemble, POPulus and special guest Anthony Krizan at the Trojan Center Theatre.

After performing, Krizan and Robert Smith, the music industry coordinator, offered constructive criticism to the artists. “I think all the musicians were able to benefit from feedback given by Mr. Krizan on their performances,” said Joe Smith, a senior interdisciplinary major from Luverne. “My experience with MIC Check was an extremely helpful and productive one.” The event allowed students to showcase their talents, which cannot necessarily be done in a classroom setting. “It’s not something you can read in a textbook, and it’s not something you can get from a lecture class,” Smith said. “MIC Check was an awesome event,” said Jakob Holsonback, a sophomore interdisciplinary major from Prattville. “I was so happy to see so many young musicians and artists come out and share their talents with us, along with being able to share mine.” “What is important about MIC Check is the fact that it allows students to create a production that actually showcases their talents to other students,” said Ava Simone, a junior music industry major from Grand Bahama, the Bahamas. “MIC Check allows us to have real world experiences.” Through social media, special guest Krizan was able to share his experience at Troy University. “One of the coolest things was watching (Krizan) actually video a couple of our Troy University students and he’s sending it literally via social media,” Smith said. “That’s a big deal.”

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