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Around the world with a history professor

Staff Writer

Oluwaseun OmotayoStaff Writer History professor Joe McCall highlighted his various trips to countries around the world at ISCO’s first student meeting of the semester last Thursday. The International Student Cultural Organization meeting took place in Hal Hall and the first 30 students to arrive were awarded goody bags. ISCO meetings are usually held on Thursdays and led by students or faculty members who get a chance to share about their cultural backgrounds or unique experiences. The meeting served to introduce new students to ISCO. Jackson Kiger, a junior political science major from Huntsville, Alabama, and current president of ISCO, explained the group’s goal for the first meeting. “This was our first event for ISCO this semester, so I figured we would start with something more universal than a specific country,” Kiger said. McCall shared with students the significance of his trips and how he had a chance to learn about different cultures. His stories and witty remarks ensured the presentation was informative and fun. “It was great to learn about Joe’s experience on the trip around the world, and the way he traveled is how I want to travel,” said Biwaksha Shrestha, a junior accounting major from Kathmandu, Nepal. “I wish someday I can take a step to travel around the world for three months, give a presentation to the later generations and inspire them to do the same.” The organization is ready to serve as a bridge between domestic and international students. “ISCO is all about the exchange of culture,” Kiger said. YiHan Gao, a senior majoring in multimedia journalism from China, is currently in charge of marketing for the group – including posters and design. Gao explained she has plans to create an introductory video to “help more people know who we are and what we do.” “I think everyone who attended enjoyed the presentation,” Kiger concluded. “Joe is a great speaker who knows how to connect with people on a personal level. “Joe talked about how travel seems to melt the hatred out of people’s hearts, and I hope that as we continue this semester to learn about other cultures. This will be a good lesson for people as we advance.”




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