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  • Cassie Gibbs

Board of Trustees’ rec. center fee decision postponed

The Student Government Association recently passed a new resolution, proposed by SGA President Cody Farrill, that will create a $125 fee to be paid each semester to help renovate Sartain Hall into a recreation center.

The $125 recreational center fee created by this resolution would be implemented in August of 2014. The fee would only affect freshman and sophomores in the 2014-15 school year, however, juniors may be affected if the renovation time line is changed to speed up renovations and allow for an earlier opening date.

These renovations, if approved by the Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, will be the first of many building changes the SGA hopes to administer around Troy’s campus.

SGA President Cody Farrill, a senior political science major from Panama City Beach, Fla., believes that these renovations will help show students that their voices are heard and that the SGA works hard to ensure that the needs and wants of the students are a priority.

He hopes that these renovations will also help show that Troy University is not only focused on academics and athletics, but also on aspects of the school which the students wish to see changed.

If the resolution is approved by Student Affairs, the SGA will hold multiple town hall meetings so that the students will be able to voice their opinions on what recreational equipment they would like to see in the new facility.

“Renovating Sartain Hall will allow the students to see that they have power and opportunity to change things on this campus,” Farrill said.

“I think this is an exciting opportunity to show how Troy is excelling at both recruiting new students and retaining existing ones,” Farrill said.

SGA Senator Matthew Thompson, a sophomore accounting major from Montgomery, also believes that these renovations to Sartain and other building projects will help Troy gain more interest from future students.

“This recreational center is a great opportunity to show that we are ready to compete with other larger scale universities,” Thompson said.

The resolution to implement a $125 recreation center fee is now waiting to be approved. The Board of Trustees approval meeting has been postponed to March.

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