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Bringing attention to accessibility issues: The desire to change for the better is apparent throughout the university

Tyler Wooley

There is no doubt in my mind that there are some places on campus that create problems for handicapped students, but Herbert Reeves, dean of student services, said students should voice their concerns.


If you are like me, then you are wondering why some of these problems go unnoticed for so long. It’s because nobody says anything about it.


“We don’t have anybody that goes around on a regular basis to check the elevators and door openers to make sure they’re working,” Reeves said. “We depend on people to report them if they’re not working.”


There are two main reasons, I believe, that students should not be whistleblowers for maintenance issues.


The first reason is that most students do not know that they should be the ones to call attention to the issues.


The second reason is that the students who want to do something do not know what to do.


Since the first issue is now out in the open, we can move on to the second drawback. It’s OK; I did not know what to do, either.


“There’s not a centralized system to be able to report things,” Reeves said. “Some stuff goes to Adaptive Needs, some stuff gets reported here, some stuff gets reported in the residence halls, and some stuff may just be reported to a faculty or staff member.”


This is why it has been confusing for so many students wondering when the elevator will work again.


Luckily, Reeves offers some clarification.


“If it’s a maintenance issue, like an elevator, I recommend they call here,” Reeves said.


The Student Services Office phone number is 334-670-3203.


Reeves understands the importance of these accommodations, and encourages any student who sees an unmet need to speak up.


“We need to know what the concerns are,” Reeves said.


“I don’t want a student to ever feel like nobody’s ever going to be responsive to their need.”


I believe that Reeves, and most of Troy University, are genuinely working to make this a better campus for handicapped students.


Heath Barton, president of the Student Government Association, and the rest of the SGA participated in a night walk to find places on campus that could be dangerous for students.


Although the main focus on the walk was lighting, accessibility was also a concern.


The desire to change for the better is apparent throughout the university.


When asked about problematic issues on campus for handicapped students, Barton said that “ease of access to buildings on campus” is one he saw. He added that there need to be more access points.


Barton and Reeves both welcomed students wanting to help make this campus a better, safer place. Now it is our turn to bring it to their attention.



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