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  • Franchesca Perez

Businesses in Troy creating more jobs

The city of Troy is undergoing major economic expansion, with plans to open a Publix grocery store, two new streets and CGI’s expansion project.


Jason Reeves, mayor of Troy, said he felt great pleasure in Troy’s progress and excitement for future plans.


“We’ve seen a good trend of economic growth over the past several years,” Reeves said. “A lot of that is a good indicator that the companies who are here are growing as well.”


Harbert Realty Services closed on the 45,600-square-foot site for the future Publix store in September. The store is scheduled to open on Feb. 16, 2017.


The property will include 15,400 square feet of retail stores and multiple outparcels.


With the opening of Publix, approximately 140 jobs will be created, according to Reeves.


Along with the Publix project, plans have been set in motion to construct 2.4 miles of new street.


One street will connect George Wallace Drive to the Troy Sportsplex, and the other will connect Franklin Drive to Oak Park.


“There will be many businesses to develop behind and around the area,” Reeves said. “We predict that eventually, all 2.4 miles of new road will be booming with new businesses.”


Information technology company CGI also recently announced plans to expand the company and to construct a new training center in University Park.


According to Troy Messenger reports, approximately 175 new employees were hired for the expansion project.


A CGI spokesperson was not available for comment.


CGI has been a major source of internships for  many Troy students.


Brandon Palermo, a senior information systems major from Prattville, has interned at CGI and currently works there part time.


“It’s really cool to see where a company can go in such a short period of time,” Palermo said.


“Working at such a large company such as CGI is a great experience because you get to meet a lot of different kinds of people. You learn a lot.”


Anna Orlofsky, a senior English and Spanish double major, said that she has taken great pleasure in growing up in Troy as well as watching it grow.


“I am so proud of the progress that I’ve seen in Troy,” Orlofsky said. “The square downtown has been completely rejuvenated, and new local businesses have flourished and become successful.


“With every new addition to campus or town, I feel more and more at home. It’s like Troy is growing up with me.”


Reeves described Troy University as a central part of Troy and expressed gratitude towards Troy students, faculty and staff.


“We appreciate you being here,” Reeves said. “You have a huge impact on the economy and quality of life. We are very blessed to have Troy University here.


“It’s not just an institution. It’s a group of students, faculty, staff, professors, etc. We hope that in some way the city of Troy will always remain in you.”

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