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  • Lacey Alexander

Cains Trio traveling to London for Country to Country

A trio of Troy University alumni will be going international in early March to showcase their musical and vocal talents.

The Cains Trio, a band composed of three siblings who all hold degrees from Troy University, have been invited to perform at the Country to Country festival in London. This festival, often abbreviated to C2C, is the largest annual country music festival in London with 50,000 people estimated to be in attendance.

To help with funding the trip, The Cains Trio started a donations account on the popular fundraising website Kickstarter on Jan. 29, where friends, fans and family of the trio all donated to help the musical group reach their goal of $5,000.

Upon meeting the $4,000 mark of their goal, they announced on the Kickstarter page on Feb. 7 that they had secured travel accommodations and were officially headed overseas to perform.

Logan Cain, 22, is the youngest of the trio and the most recent graduate of Troy University. He was formerly a broadcast journalism major and a member of the cheerleading squad. Cain’s biography on the bands’ website states that he “relies on his unwavering faith in God for confidence, direction and success in life.”

Cain said he is confident that this opportunity could be what escalates the trio’s career. “London is a chance that not every band gets but every band needs,” Cain said. “Someday, we might look back at this opportunity and say, ‘that was the thing that really broke it open for us.’”

“We know that God has been opening doors all along the way . . . we are so excited to get to go and meet new people and impact lives,” said the oldest sibling, Taylor Cain,  who is the lead vocalist for the trio and a graduate of Troy with a degree in music industry.

Madison Cain, the middle sibling who was an active member of Troy University’s chapter of Chi Omega and graduated with a degree in broadcast journalism, expressed her gratefulness for the amount of support the group has received.

“Every day, it seems people are coming out of nowhere just to encourage us,” she said. “We can’t express how much it means to us to have our Troy family behind us.”

The Cains Trio will leave for London on March 5, and will perform at the festival on March 7 and 8. The Kickstarter page is still open for donations of any amount equal to or over one dollar, and the page will be updated as more information about The Cains Trio’s trip becomes available.

Information about the band and the trip is also available on the band’s pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

The Cains Trio will be performing at the Boxcar in Troy on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, from 10 p.m. to midnight.

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