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Cartoon fun

Staff Writer

Abigail NicholsonCartoonist and Graphic Designer I’m The Tropolitan’s cartoonist, but this is my last comic. I first joined the Trop when I was 18 years old. I didn’t know the first thing about journalism or cartooning, but I liked to draw and had some opinions, so I joined anyway. Flash forward, and I’m 22 and graduating in a couple of weeks. My time here is coming to an end, I’d like to say, “Thank you,” to all my readers over the years for encouraging and supporting me. Being your cartoonist, while challenging at times, was enriching to both my life and my college experience. Being what most would consider introverted, I have been fortunate enough to meet a lot of really cool people on our campus over the years. I’ve also gotten to watch my work progress both visually and conceptually which has been really exciting for me. I’m really grateful to have had such a great team to work with at The Tropolitan. Shout-out to all the opinion editors I’ve who put up with late submissions and corny punchlines. Also shout-out to my brother Seth who was the cartoonist during his time at Troy. He’s an amazing artist and a very cool brother. I’ve enjoyed my time at The Tropolitan and I’m bummed to be leaving, but I am also very thankful to be experiencing a new season in my life and I embrace the changes that come with it. Congratulations class of Fall 2019, we did it! And good luck to the future students of Troy University. Take it easy, Trojans.

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