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  • Emily Jackson

Celebrating lives of fallen Trojans: Kimberle Johnson

Kimberle Johnson’s life brought joy and color to friends, family and to people she did not even know.


“She (Kimberle) never met a stranger,” said Duerinica Harrington a senior social work major from Montgomery. “Kim was just someone you would want to be around because she was just ‘Kim’. She could light up a place.”


Ashley Temple, a junior elementary education major from Montgomery, met Johnson in the 7th grade and was her roommate in Troy up until her death. Kim was a junior social work major from Montgomery.


“Wherever she went – we new we were going to have a good time because, ‘Kim is here,’” Temple said.


Temple said that if she could say anything about who Kim was it would be that she was just “so silly,” “always joking” and “just a good person over all.”


Temple said that she loved helping people.


Professor Sheryl Matney taught Johnson in some of her social work classes.


“The field of social work was a great fit for Kim,” Matney said. “I know I loved to see her smile and enthusiasm for the field in class and will miss her as well as the contribution she would have made to the field of social work.”


According to Harrington, Kim had plans to intern at the Veterans’ Affair Hospital in Montgomery in order to work with rehab patients.


“Put your troubles in a circle with other people’s, you’ll be glad to pick yours up and take it with you. It could be worse,” Kim said in a tweet on Dec. 23.


Kimberle’s mother, Barbara Johnson Green of Montgomery thanks Troy and called it an “honor” and “privilege” to raise Kimberle.


“She loved God, others, herself and understood the importance of forgiveness and being humble,” Green said. “Her spirit is what keeps me going to today along with the love of a caring and compassionate God, who is my comforter.”


Green also spoke of her daughter’s commitment to the Lord, passion for social work and unconditional love for others. She also said that she is proud of Kimberle.


Temple and Harrington laughed together as they explained Kim’s obsession with Meek Mill, a hip hop artist who was signed under T.I.’s recording label at one point in his career according to Temple said that despite his fame, Kim would tweet at him almost everyday.


“So many Troy students pulled together and kept tweeting him about Kim’s death,” Temple said.


In response to the tweets the music artist changed his Instagram profile picture to a photo of Johnson with the letters “R. I. P.” scrawled across it in red.


“If Kim were here today she would say, ‘See, I told you we go together. I told you he’ll be my husband,’” Harrington said.


Green said that even despite the tragedy that she has faced, she is comforted knowing that she now has a guardian angel.

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