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  • Alyse Nelson

Celebrating lives of fallen Trojans: Kristin Fuller

Kristin Fuller was loved by many on campus as well as elsewhere.


“Kristin personally encouraged me as my little sister in Distinguished Young Women of Crenshaw County and entertained me and brought a smile to my face daily in our high school French class,” said Kelsey Kiser, a sophomore nursing major and close friend of Kristin’s for four years.


Kristin was known by most for her bubbly and outgoing personality. “Kristin was a fun-loving person and not shy at all. She always made people smile and wasn’t afraid to tell her opinion to anyone,”  sophomore Justin Fuller said of his younger sister.


She was also known for the friendliness that she extended to everyone she met. “She would make friends with anyone,” Justin said.


“She never met a stranger,” Kiser said of her friend’s tendency to befriend the majority of the people that she met.


In a display of the compassion that Kristin held for others, Justin Fuller shared his sister’s future goals. “She was majoring in social work and the reason she chose that was David, the guy in the dining hall that has Down syndrome. She saw him one day and started talking to him. She would visit with him almost every day, and she came home and told our momma she wanted to do social work to help kids with special needs.”


“I know that she would have been overly successful in whatever she decided to pursue,” Kiser said.


“She was truly a blessing and a light to everyone that knew her, and she never met a stranger,” Kiser said. “It was definitely an honor to call Kristin Fuller my friend. Although the Trojan family will never be the same, the Kingdom of Heaven has certainly been enriched!”

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