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  • Taylor Foxx

City of Troy may get draft beer by the end of April

Although Governor Robert Bentley signed Pike County’s draft beer bill into law this past week, it may be late April before the City of Troy sees the changes go into effect.

“We would hope that we can get the resolution done by April 22, and get everything finalized by then,” said Marcus B. Paramore, city council member. “I feel like we will pass it on the 22nd.”

The earliest that the City of Troy could see the sale of draft beer will be on April 23, though establishments serving alcohol may not be ready at this point.

According to the current timeline, draft beer sales will be ready in time for TroyFest, which will take place during the last weekend in April though what sales will look like is still in question.

The specifics of when, where and how draft beer will be sold will largely depend on the restrictions and guidelines of the ordinance set up by the city.

The proposed ordinance for Troy is being modeled after the ordinance of Prattville, which limits the sale of draft beer to only establishments holding a current permit to sell alcohol.

According to the Prattville ordinance, draft alcohol can only be consumed on the property of the business selling it and not taken off the premises.

This stipulation in the ordinance insures that the bill will not have much direct effect on the Troy campus.

Although kegs will be allowed in local bars and restaurants, students, or one person in particular unaffiliated with a business selling draft beer will not be able to buy kegs for events or personal use.

The recent success in legislation approving the selling of draft beer and imminent approval by the city council has come as the realization of a hope for Lyndsay and Jamey Taylor, the owners of Troy’s Sips on the Square who first approached the city council with this question in February.

“We went into this, not really expecting anything to happen. We were hoping the whole draft beer issue would come to fruition,” Lyndsay Taylor said, “We are definitely thankful to the city, and we are beyond thankful to the city councilmen and the mayor for pursuing it.”

Getting draft beer in Troy required the passing of a legislative bill in the Alabama State Congress.

The bill, which was signed on April 1 by the governor, is effective for the entirety of Pike County.

Because draft beer comes in large kegs, packaging costs are removed from the price of the beer. Though prices will vary based on individual selection, it is possible that beer prices could drop substantially.

The move to draft beer also opens the doors to more varied options because many types of beer are not available in bottled form. The move also has some excited for the possibility of it enriching Troy’s beer culture.

“Those who enjoy beer for its taste, not just alcoholic content, appreciate how beer is served,” said Hannah Stone, a junior graphic design major from Huntingtown, Md. and server at Sips on the Square. “Many prefer beer that is served straight from the keg into a frosted mug. It enhances the original flavor without tainting it. I think draft beer will be great for the respectable beer culture and our business.”

The Troy City Council will be meeting to finalize the city’s ordinance on draft beer on April 22 in City Hall at 5 p.m. and students are free to attend.

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