A new class registration system was introduced at the Student Government Association’s meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 20.
Maggie Uphaus, student academic systems coordinator from the academic records office walked the senators through the new “Student Self-Service” system that can be accessed under the academic planning section in the Trojan Web Express.
Students can click into the student planning section to find the classes that they are currently taking and will need to graduate.
By clicking on the “My Progress” tab, students can see their degree program, GPA and progress bars.
“The progress bars are color coded: dark green are the completed courses, light green are the courses that are in progress and yellow are the courses you are going to plan out for the upcoming semester,” Uphaus said. “Not started courses are red.”
“There is an advising tab that can be used to talk back and forth with your adviser,” she said. “It shows who your adviser is and gives space to write notes to your adviser.
“After the schedule is approved by your adviser, you can hit the register now button when your registration time is open.”
“I think it (the new system) will be a lot better because it gives the students a lot more options to be able to see different things in their schedule like course times,” Uphaus said.
“It also gives them the ability to plan on schedules for future semesters to see the classes they will have to take.”
“For any help students can come to the records office in the (Adams) Administration building,” Uphaus said. “We have about 10 computers set up, and we can show them how to work through it. Also, there are tutorials online on troy.edu/records.”
SGA publicity committee is also going to set up the SGA concerns table at the Trojan Center on Nov. 3.
“TC Tuesday Table” was started to address the concerns of students about issues that they think need to be addressed.
The table is set every first Tuesday of the month. SGA had its first table set up on Oct. 6.
SGA also rescheduled its annual night walk for Tuesday, Oct. 27, after its weekly meeting.
The walk, which was initially scheduled on Sept. 29, had to be postponed due to bad weather conditions.
At the walk, SGA senators will break up into groups and walk around campus seeking problem areas on campus that require work.
SGA President Heath Barton, a senior global business major from Opp, noted the efforts of SGA senators for the various activities conducted during the homecoming week.
“I think this was one of the best homecomings I have ever experienced,” Barton said.
“I really appreciate all the effort SGA senators and students have put towards the various events of the homecoming week.”
At the meeting, the Student Alumni Association (SAA) was recognized by SGA for its contribution to rivalry week.
SGA passed an “Acknowledgment of Student Alumni Association” at last week’s meeting, which was presented to the representatives of SAA.
SAA had sponsored various events and worked with SGA in the rivalry week events.