The Troy University College Republicans has decided to remain neutral in the presidential election.
According to its Facebook page, the organization looks to elect Republican candidates to all levels of government and fight for Republican principles on the collegiate level.
However, this year members believe that Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, has not exemplified the conservative values they promote.
“Donald Trump was not many people’s first choice, and, in all honesty, has not done a good job promoting the compassionate, rational and hope-filling message of conservatism,” said Brandon Matthews, the faculty adviser for the organization.
Despite this, the organization does recognize some positive attributes of the candidate.
“He has a lot of experience with finance,” said Jake Watkins, a senior political science major from Troy and president of the organization.
“However, inexperience in government and a lack of displaying a unifying leadership quality” are some of the major flaws Watkins identified.
The organization remains neutral in the presidential election, but still looks to elect Republican candidates in other government sectors.
“My hope is to maintain Republican control of Congress, especially the Senate,” Matthews said. “No matter who wins president, it is imperative to have a Republican Congress.”
“The election is a lot bigger than the presidential election,” Watkins said. “You don’t have contact with the president every day, but you have contact with your city councilmen or state representatives, so that’s where our focus is.”
The College Republicans also views the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, as unfit for the presidency role.
“She is probably the worst Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale,” Watkins said.
Watkins questioned Clinton’s economic advances on a government salary and stated that he saw no positive assets in the candidate.
“The Democratic Party has nominated the epitome of a corrupt politician,” Matthews said. “She has displayed tendencies that she is willing to morph and lie on various issues to become president.
“She certainly understands how to campaign, and this has helped her this presidential election.”
The organization is involved in voter registration drives, hosting political candidates at campus meetings, volunteering on campaigns, assisting local organizations and much more, depending on the year.
The group meets every two weeks on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall Room 202. Members encourage all students to come and join their meetings and discussions.
The College Republicans are looking to help the nation’s current economic status, specifically in reducing the poverty rate. Both Watkins and Matthews said the current attempts to improve the nation’s poverty rate are not sufficient.
“A free market economy is the best way to get people out of poverty,” Watkins said. “The progressive war on poverty is not working, and I believe a free market is the best solution to that.”
“People are stuck in poverty, and the progressive solution is to throw money at the issue in hopes that poverty goes away,” Matthews said. “Conservatism is the only philosophy proven to lift people out of poverty permanently.”
The College Republicans view economics and religion as two of the main issues currently facing our nation.
“I would like to see religious liberty taken serious,” Matthews said. “All individuals have the right to pursue truth … so long as their beliefs do not harm the public good. The current administration has continuously displayed hostility towards freedom of thought.
“Neither candidate displays strong understanding of this concept.”
Watkins said that the national debt should be the government’s top concern, considering it will impact the nation for generations to come.
“That has to be taken care of … that’s going to directly affect all of us, including our kids and grandkids,” said Watkins.
They do not have any upcoming events presently, but are currently volunteering in several nearby Florida campaigns with U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and congressional candidate Brian Mast.
To receive more information about the organization or to join, visit its Facebook page at “Troy University College Republicans.”