Abby Taylor The position of senior vice chancellor of student services and administration, once held by John Dew, has been filled by a newer Troy faculty member, Royce “Hank” Dasinger, who was previously the dean of the college of education. Dasinger now holds the title of senior vice chancellor of student services and administration and is also being named chief of staff for the chancellor. “The student services and administration staff is responsible for many campus operations and activities,” according to the student services page on Troy’s website. “From enrollment to graduation, the staff seeks to provide for a successful college experience with all our students.” Dasinger’s new responsibilities will include overseeing the needs of students as well as staying up to date with tasks at the senior leadership level. “My job in student services and administration is everything to do with the care and feeding and security of our students,” he said. “The housing, the campus police, enrollment, recruiting ... all that kind of stuff that is the supportive infrastructure falls under my portfolio.” As the chief of staff for the chancellor, Dasinger said he will make sure faculty members follow through with their obligations to the university. “I will put mechanisms in place to assure efficiency, effectiveness and a resolved focus,” Dasinger said. Dasinger served one year as the dean of the college of education and said he learned a lot through that experience. “It (his role as dean) helped me understand the academic model at Troy, so it’s great for me to have in the back of my mind as we think about things as a senior leadership team,” he said. Dasinger said he has seen teamwork among the deans of the different colleges, and he said that’s something he wants to replicate at the senior leadership level he now holds. “My job for student services and administration and the chief of staff enables me to reach out and touch a lot of things, and it reminds me of the importance of relationships,” he said. In his new role, Dasinger said, he wants to create an environment that enables students to be their best selves. “What we want to make sure we’re doing as a university is delivering on our promise to our students and our stakeholders by having a very strong results focus,” he said.
Dasinger becomes chancellor's right-hand man
Staff Writer