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DC is obviously better than Marvel, but let’s play this game anyway.

Reid “Sawcy” Potts

Feb. 28, 2013

DC or Marvel?


For any self-respecting nerd, this question is inevitable.


Well, the answer is a simple one—DC.


Honestly, I enjoy Marvel.


I’ve been a fan of the X-Men and Spider-Man since I was a wee little lad, but they just don’t hold up to the pantheon of DC.


One of Marvel’s most popular characters right now is Iron Man.


Bruce Wayne in a suit of armor.


Are the characters of Marvel more human?




Sure, Spider-Man is relatable guy learning about responsibility, but that’s the same for almost every other fictional character.


Few things are more human than Batman’s recent comics with the latest Robin, his son, Damian Wayne.



Batman is learning how to be a father—something we all know he didn’t really get a prolonged example of.


He makes mistakes when disciplining his son.


He fears for Damian’s life all the time, but at the same time respects and loves everything about his young son.


Who would’ve thought the godlike Batman would be the subject of a heartstring-pulling father/son relationship?


The whole area of who rules the theater is indisputable.


I personally think the Dark Knight Trilogy is superior to anything Marvel’s put out, but Marvel’s consistency nowadays cannot be disrespected.


DC rules the animation world, though.


Any entry in the DC Animated Universe (even Zeta Project) trumps any and every Marvel cartoon.


Even outside the DCAU the line of DC Universe Animated Original movies, “The Batman,” “Brave and the Bold,” “Teen Titans,” etc. curb stomp Marvel’s animated works.


But that’s old stuff, so let’s talk about new stuff.


“Young Justice” and “Green Lantern” of Cartoon Network’s DC Nation block are both current and critically acclaimed. The shorts shown during DC Nation are also pretty great.


Going to play some good Marvel games?




If you want to play some great comic book video games, though, go pick up “Arkham Asylum” and “Arkham City.”


DC’s got it in the realm of comics, too.


Has the New 52 been faced with some problems?


Most definitely, but they have a goal and they’re sticking to it.


52 core titles at all times.  Respectable.


Unlike Marvel, DC’s also taking chances with these books.


Scott Snyder reviving the long-forgotten Swamp Thing, Geoff Johns bringing credibility to Aquaman and Katana getting her own book. These are gutsy moves.


The criticism of DC lacking a female presence is a confusing one.


To name just a few, The DC Trinity is alive and well with Wonder Woman; the Birds of Prey is an all-female team; the formerly awful writing of Starfire in “Red Hood and the Outlaws” is no more; and Amanda Waller oversees at least two or three teams.


The Girls of Gotham are also going strong.


Both Batgirl and Catwoman have ongoing series, and Harley Quinn is a prominent member of the Suicide Squad.


Batwoman’s the real trail-blazer, though.


She is undoubtedly the most high-profile LGBT comic book character ever, and she wears the mantle of the Bat.


I daresay she’s more suited to wear it than some of the others who get to (looking at you, Jason Todd).


Actually, DC has another prominent LGBT character in Alan Scott, the Green Lantern of Earth two.


In terms of power and character, Scott is basically the new Superman of Earth two.


At the end of the day, though, it all really boils down to whether you want to read about bats or mutants.


DC’s lacking when it comes to film, but they lay the smackdown in animation, video games, and comics.



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