Jakiya DudleyStaff Writer Troy University’s Dothan campus has eliminated both biology and chemistry from its major options. Dr. Siegfried Harden teaches biological and environmental sciences at Troy’s Dothan campus and is also the department’s divisional chair. Harden says the decision is to better accommodate nursing students and general studies courses. “The decision to end the majors at Dothan was based off many years of declining enrollments along with reductions in staffing,” Harden said. “Also, we are readjusting the emphasis of the science departments on the Dothan campus to better serve as a support department for nursing and general studies. “It is important to note that only the majors are ending,” Harden said. “We still will be offering general science courses along with microbiology and anatomy and physiology I and II for the nursing students. “By eliminating the major, we will have more resources to focus on our support mission.” The decision to end the majors has already gone into effect. “In the long term, I hope it will be beneficial to the campus and the university,” Harden said. “We are trying to manage our resources to provide the best programs we can. “Once again, by ending the major, we can redirect our efforts to better support the nursing program in Dothan, which I believe has a bright future.” Plans are underway to address the needs of the current biology and chemistry majors at Troy University’s Dothan campus, especially the seniors.
Dothan campus ends Biology and Chemistry major options
Staff Writer