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Editor-in-Chief bids farewell

Tabitha Mixon

I came to Troy University eager to learn and ready for a new start in the world.

Now, four years later, I feel somewhat the same just more exhausted and stressed seeing the light at the end of this dark cave.

The journey getting here has been exciting and progressive, meeting new people and getting to experience life with them.

Somewhere along the way I ran into the Trop office where I suddenly received several doses of the real world and probably the most preparation anyone could get in college for it.

If you ever have the chance, take it.

The Tropolitan may not be the most fun you’ve ever had, but it will definitely help those who are shy, inexperienced or unorganized become more well-rounded and have something great on their résumé.

No, I’m not saying I haven’t had a good time getting to know and love my staff, but we have made a little family of quirks, dysfunctions and delightful personalities; without some of whom I would not be where I am today.

Sarah Hutto, thank you for being my Jedi Master, you really helped me get started and I’ve always been able to ask you for help in anything.

Cody Muzio, you were an excellent mentor.

When you first asked me about being editor-in-chief all I could say is “You’re kidding!”

But now, two years later, I have to say it was worth it, and I would have fallen apart if you hadn’t shown me how to handle the job.

To my other previous Troppers, thanks for welcoming me to my second family.

Those who are often forgotten shall be first.

To my apprentice, Carson Brown, you have been really awesome, and I’m so glad to see someone who took the time to take the Cardinal Rule to its full potential.

Someone has some small but talented shoes to fill, and as hard as it is to admit, I even liked that I trained someone who was more creative and clever than me.

Emphasis on was.

Just kidding.

Zach Winslett, you have been an excellent editor and I often look to you for help or reading my papers.

You’ve been a great help and often a good laugh on bad days.

Kianna Collins is the first voice I hear when coming in the office, she’s usually watching some anime video and laughing hysterically (but not necessarily at the same time).

She has also picked up really quickly and effectively this semester and I’m very proud of how well she has ‘evolved.’

That wanted to be a Pokémon pun, when it grows up some day.

News crew: Valario Johnson, Karli Mauldin and Cassie Gibbs, thanks for all your help this year.

I honestly wouldn’t have a paper without you guys.

Keep up the good work, Cassie.

Good luck in the real world, Karli.

And Valario, learn to breathe, it’s nice sometimes.

The corner possé: Jill Odom, April Irvin and Josh Thurston, you are all wonderful at what you do.

I could never do it.

Jill, I am so grateful that you took over sports this year.

You really have done a great job, plus I bet it’s pretty nice to have writers every week.

April, try not to kill anyone while I’m gone. Josh, don’t work too hard. Life’s too short.

Kelsey Vickers, I hope you enjoyed this semester. It’s been nice having you in the office.

Emily Jackson always seems to brighten the room.

She’s never in a bad mood and smiles all the time.

I think she even smiles in her sleep.

I’ve enjoyed working with you.

Alyse Nelson, don’t be afraid to take over when Emily is gone.

You have a great eye for this business; go with your gut.

As a matter of fact that goes for you too, Em.

Laura Hutto, my little secretary, no one gets past her.

You have been really sweet, even on my worst days and, since you’re Sarah’s sister, I can show you all my cool things I’ve been working on this semester.

Good luck in the medical world. You’re going to be great, I swear.

Jane Morrell, I think you are a really great person and you have some well-defined opinions and you know exactly who you are.

Just make sure you show the world.

Be confident and do your best, because it’s really awesome.

For the new editor-in-chief, Chase Robinson, good luck out there.

It’s more Wall Street, less jungle.

Try to be a superman; they will appreciate you more.

For all my writers, you are what makes the Trop happen — us editors, we just make it look pretty.

You are what counts in the long run, keep writing, questioning and tell the world about it.

With this I sign off, stay classy.




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