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Editorial: the roles of professors as educators

The editors of the Tropolitan issue a message regarding the roles of faculty as educators, and the duties that that role entails.


The editors of the Tropolitan recognize the value that many of the talented faculty members hold for the university. However, it is necessary to address the role of a professor as an educator.


The role of a teacher is vital in shaping the students of Troy to think, to feel and to act as productive members of society. How should a professor approach such a daunting task?


According to the Faculty Handbook, “teaching effectiveness is the most important attribute of any faculty member.” The handbook highlights that effective teaching comes from a strong understanding of the teacher’s subject area and his or her ability to communicate it to students.


The handbook also outlines the professional ethics that should be considered as a faculty member of this institution. Specifically noted under this section is that the faculty member has “respect for the student as an individual and serves his or her proper role as intellectual guide and counselor.”


It is a challenge to balance the needs of every single student in the classroom while also communicating the knowledge those students need to succeed as professionals. Teachers of every level of education face such issues.


The editors of the Tropolitan firmly believe that respect for students should never be overlooked for the sake of knowledge or respect for a field of study.


Regardless of a faculty member’s passion for his or her field, “such interests must not seriously hamper or compromise the duties of his or her primary employment,” according to the handbook.


In any educational situation, a teacher needs to respect the individual experiences and needs of a student. If a student has specific needs, they need to make them known to the professor in order to create any needed accommodations.


Respect for students fosters an environment of learning that allows for the teacher to act as an intellectual guide for minds to expand and grow.


A teacher needs to respect the time and intentions of students. As all students are required to come to class, a teacher needs to make that class time most productive towards learning, not personal goals.


Teachers and students share special relationships that encourage creativity and innovation, which shouldn’t be taken lightly or abused.


Let this be a call for the students and faculty of Troy to commit to mutual respect in order to fulfill the goal of creating an intellectual environment that facilitates learning and respects every individual.

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