Students are able to apply for financial help through Troy University’s Emergency Fund, with the money available coming from university donors. The Emergency Fund is different from the CARES Bill recently passed, including payments to students; the university is still working on how to allocate those funds. “This is though the Troy University Foundation,” said Dean of Student Services Herb Reeves. “The fund is supported by donations from the Troy alumni, family and friends.” In the meantime, students are able to receive up to $250 from applying for help from the emergency fund. Students must email Reeves ( to obtain an application. Funds will be processed through student accounts with Student Financial Services. Students applying for the emergency fund must also include copies of any invoices or bills incurred as a result of the virus’s disruption. Lance Tatum, senior vice chancellor of academic affairs, expressed his pride for the university trying to help students affected. “I am always proud of these employees, alumni and friends of the university who recognize the needs of our students and contribute their time and dollars to provide support,” he said. “During this crisis, we have been reminded of the generosity and compassion that is found within our university family.” Gen. Walter Givhan, the senior vice chancellor for economic development, said he’s proud that Trojans are coming together to help. “It’s been exciting to see the response that we’ve had from people who have the ability to give,” he said. “It’s always satisfying to see the Trojan spirit come alive and to see Trojans doing whatever we can to help fellow Trojans. “We’re knocking on the door of $45,000.”
Emergency fund to help students during pandemic
Staff Writer