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  • Patrick Stephens

Fantasy world role playing passed by SGA

(PHOTO/Jill Odom)

A variety of business was conducted this past Tuesday at the Student Government Association’s weekly meeting.

The various senators and the many Freshman Forum delegates that were in attendance heard various resolutions and motions.

One of the reports given to the SGA was an update on the discussions about whether or not the drop/add dates for university classes could be extended.  The university is not able to change these because drop and add dates must be the same for all Troy campuses due to financial aid disbursement reasons.  However, the university tries to be as accommodating as possible to students.

LARPing was the first item of new business that was discussed.

The organization’s members provide live role playing of fantasy world action, where costumes and dialogue are utilized.

“I highly encourage you to vote to pass this,” said  Senator Becca Lindsey, a senior elementary education major from Opelika. “If you are thinking this is something different, go ahead because it may be different to you, but it is obviously something they care about because they went through the effort to write a constitution and form as a student organization, so take that into consideration when voting on this matter.” The constitution was passed unanimously.

Other business included the introduction of two resolutions to be considered by the SGA, one putting in place the groundwork for an SGA Faculty/Staff recognition award and the other a formal resolution to place a Redbox movie rental station on campus.

Sophomore computer science major from Baker, Fla., Colton Bouchard said “It’s awesome to see Redbox coming to campus, and it will be really convenient to not have to drive off campus torent a movie.”

During executive officer reports, SGA President Cody Farrill had a lot to share with the assembled group.  The Troy University board of trustees met this past Tuesday and has voted to extend Chancellor Jack Hawkins contract for another four years.  Also, students should expect to see the beginnings of the new student recreation facility.

“Another big focus is on parking.  The university has said that there is no problem with parking when clearly there is, especially with Sorority Hill and the Newman Center. I’m preparing a 30-page agenda item to send to Chancellor Hawkins detailing the issues with parking students have been having.  So if you have anything you want to share or see become a part of it, please submit that to us,” Farrill said.

If anyone wants to submit their stories or issues with parking, they can be sent to “Please email in or stop by the SGA office.  We will be submitting a comprehensive plan to the chancellor, and it is very important that they understand that we want this to be a pro-university effort to insure every student has the ability to park,” Farrill said.

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