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Features editor thankful for support, experiences

Emily Jackson

Here’s to you, the students and faculty of Troy University, for allowing me to bring you human interest, news and perspectives articles during my time with the Tropolitan.

My name is Emily Jackson but you may know me as the girl who wrote the story on parking, drinking on campus, the war on terror, the ‘go to church or the devil will get you’ sign or the person who wrote about your best friend or your organization.

I am a senior multimedia journalism major from Athens, and I will be graduating from Troy in December of 2014 after finishing up my last semester as an eTroy student.

Thank you to all of you who have allowed me to call you a source, have spoken up about story ideas and criticisms, and anyone who has supported me by reading my work.

As a staff writer, photographer and section editor I have to say that the best part of my experience with the Tropolitan has been getting to know so many incredible people on Troy’s campus.

Interviewing students like Kara McDowell and faculty members like Erma Jones are memories that I treasure. Keeping in constant contact with sources like Jonathan Cellon and Andy Ellis and even teaching up-and-coming writers like Alyse Nelson, Taylor Foxx and James Banks has been a joy.

One of my highest honors has been working with the families of students who have passed away.

Thank you for allowing me into your life at such fragile times to share the stories of your friends and children with the Troy community.

I will not soon forget you or your loved ones who passed away.

On the same note, each person that has been a part of the Tropolitan staff has had a significant impact on my life.

I am such a fan of the diversity represented within Troy’s newspaper staff, and I am honored to call you each colleagues and friends.

There are so many of you staffers that I have grown to love.

Thanks for your efforts and understanding.

I send out a special thanks to Tabitha Mixon, Chase Robinson and Laura Hutto for keeping me grounded this semester.

Encouraging words and chocolate go a long way in my book.

As well, I’d like to brag on Alyse Nelson who will succeed me in the fall semester of 2014 as the features editor.

She is an outstanding reporter and as soon as she gets settled into her new role I know she will provide you with thought-provoking stories.

Please be nice to her and respond to her emails, texts, Facebook messages and calls within 24 hours.

To contact her about any human interest story please email her at

I challenge the Tropolitan’s readership to speak up about what we are printing each week.

Remember, we work for you, the student, not the university.

If you think there is something that we are not covering, please let us know.

Finally, I want to say thank you to my friends Summer Wells, Rebekah Smith and Courtney Patterson, my journalism professor Steve Stewart, my mom Celia Jackson and my fiancé Dan Heinkel for being my biggest advocates.

After graduating from Troy in December I hope to get a job in a journalism or communications field.

My overall dream is to one day become a missionary and work as a midwife in Nicaragua spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ while increasing the quality of life for those in my community.

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions or comments.

Again, thank you for supporting my work.




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