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  • Franchesca Perez

Finding success in unlikely places

Features Editor

Let me start by saying that I had zero real experience in writing, journalism or AP style when Destiny Hosmer, a former staff writer, finally persuaded me to come to a Tropolitan meeting.


I had no clue what I was doing or what to expect, but somehow, I found myself agreeing to cover an upcoming SGA meeting.


I remember walking in hesitantly, trying to mask the fact that I had no clue what I was doing. It was honestly pretty terrifying.


Yet, somehow I made it through, got the job done and found myself returning every week to serve as a writer for the news section.


Flash forward two years later. I managed to snag an editor position.


I’ve always considered myself to be an extroverted person, but approaching strangers and interviewing them, oftentimes on the spot, was definitely not easy.


It’s crazy what can happen when you venture out to try new things and push past your comfort zone.


The Tropolitan truly has blessed me in so many ways.


For starters, I was able to work on staff with some of the most kind-hearted, intelligent and talented people I have ever known. I really do love each and every one of you, and there’s no doubt in my mind that each of you are going to accomplish great things, even you, Michael Shipma (sports editor).


Even though we bicker constantly, I do recognize your superb journalism skills.


In my time here, I’ve become a better writer, a better leader and quite frankly, a better person.


To all of the section and copy editors, enjoy the extra pizza that I’m leaving behind on layout night. Here’s hoping it will arrive on time (though we all know it won’t).


To Tori Bedsole, my successor: I know you’ll do a great job … mainly because you were the one who handed the features editor title to me.


To my writers: Keep pushing. You guys have improved tremendously over the course of the semester. Your hard work did not go unrecognized.


And to every person reading this right now: Be yourself, try new things, learn to say no and live your life the way you want to. Life is way too short to be living it for anyone else. (Unless we’re talking about Jesus; that’s a whole other story.)


Here’s to a much quieter layout night. You’re not welcome.

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