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Fitness and Wellness Center to Ramp Up Student Involvement

Staff Writer

by Sheldon Bloom

Troy Campus Recreation is offering a variety of new classes and activities at the Trojan Fitness and Wellness Center designed to increase student involvement while simultaneously improving the overall well-being of those participating. 

“The events that are being offered are meant to introduce students to a wide range of new, exciting topics that they may not have previously had the opportunity to explore,” said German Roca, the fitness and wellness coordinator for Troy. “By offering such a wide variety of topics, we are hoping to get as many students as possible out of their dorms and involved in improving their fitness and wellness.”

Many of the events place emphasis on educating students so they might better themselves, learning what it means to be truly healthy. 

“Our goal at campus recreation is not only to encourage students to get involved in our programs but also to educate them on how they could improve their lives from a fitness and wellness perspective,” Roca said. “One event we hosted recently: ‘Nutrition for a Mental Marathon,’ emphasized the importance of nutrition for proper brain function, which is extremely important knowledge for a university student to possess.”

In addition to events, campus recreation is continuously offering on-campus fitness classes for students.

 “We have quite a few different fitness classes right here on campus,” Roca continued. “BodyPump, yoga, circuit, olympic weightlifting, and dance fitness are all currently being offered in the group fitness studio, and campus recreation staff actively teach and lead those classes.” 

Ann Taylor Wood, a senior exercise major from Demopolis, Alabama, said the recreation opportunities offer a nice break from stressors.

“I personally love that the university is doing more to get students involved in fitness,” Wood said. “Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is especially important for students, as the extra stress from exams and homework can really start to pile up.”




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