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From the future president’s desk:

Sam Moody


To my fellow Trojans,


My name is Sam Moody, and I am incredibly excited for the opportunity I have to run for the position of your SGA president. I am so excited to have the chance to work for you and to help make your Troy experience the best it can be.


My campaign is centered around a simple slogan: Sam Moody for Troy Y.O.U. The “you” is an acronym for your YEAR, your OPPORTUNITY and your UNIVERSITY. I genuinely feel that the president’s role is to be the voice of the students.


I want to advocate on your behalf to our higher administration. I want to voice your concerns, and I want to help you realize the change you want to see. I want you to know one thing: No one will work as hard as me to make the change you want to see a reality.


I’m working to improve the school from a social, physical and educational standpoint, and I’m doing this with you in mind. I hope to meet you in the coming weeks, and I would love to hear your ideas, comments, questions and concerns!


I thank you for your time, and I hope I can count on you to vote #MoodyforTroyYOU on Feb. 22!


Thank you and Go Trojans!


Sam Moody


Lilly Casolaro


Hello, fellow Trojans! It’s most important to mention that I’m a people person. I’m passionate about serving you and our university by hearing your personal goals, interests and ideas. Each of you matters to me, and you play an integral role in the university as a whole.


I will be open and transparent with you by creating an accessible line of communication. I vow to make myself available by sharing a weekly meal with you and through other communication avenues, such as regular question-and-answer forums. I want to get to know you and discover ways to help us all grow as individuals and as a community.


I will bring integrity, decisive action, humor and attentiveness to the office of president. As Trojans one and all, your interests are my interests; your concerns, my concerns; and your goals, my goals.


My goals are focused in three key areas: 1) Increasing student input and interaction through relevant (and fun) events, 2) Ensuring your concerns are heard and effectively addressed, and 3) Empowering you to reach beyond the classroom in opportunities to serve our university and our community.


My intention is to develop a diversity chair to serve within the SGA to facilitate greater inclusion and diversity across our campus, both in learning and through multicultural experiences. Additionally, I will implement a mentoring program and other student services to provide greater support for you and for connection with one another. We can do it!


Since my freshman year, I’ve been honored to serve Troy in various capacities and have been entrusted with valuable leadership roles. For example, I’ve orchestrated campus and communitywide outreach projects in efforts to express my devotion to you and to care for our greater community. I’m currently partnering with Senator Douglas Dick on a universitywide service day.


I’m so thankful that you have allowed me the opportunity to represent you in making our past activities and events successful due to your involvement. Now, I am asking for your support to leave our legacy together.


I’m hopeful to serve as your partner, your voice and your president to cooperatively bring the very best for yOUR school, yOUR dreams, and yOUR legacy. As your SGA president, I will faithfully and passionately work for you! I am for you and for Troy!


“Make Lilly yOUR choice because she is yOUR voice.”


Go Trojans!




Andrew Dearing


Hello, friends; my name is Andrew Dearing, and I would be honored to serve you all as your next SGA president. I am a junior criminal justice major and leadership development and legal studies minor from Montgomery.


If I am to be elected to represent and serve you all as SGA president, I will bring real progress to real people through tangible initiatives to serve you, the students, such as advocating for a merit-based scholarship program, improving parking and dining, exposing hidden student fees, modernizing our Troy mobile app, and improving student sections at Troy athletic events.


A Troy University student is far more significant than a number on a Trojan ID card, just as progress is far more significant than a bill passed within the SGA. You are each attending Troy to educate your mind to think, your heart to feel and your body to act while achieving the same goal: to attain a degree in order to assure a successful future. My promise of service is to help make your college experience as enjoyable as possible during your pursuit of this common goal.


I believe that this can be achieved by bridging all gaps between the student body, the student government association and the university administration, so we are all on the same team, striving for the same purpose: to make Troy University a better place for the students.


In bridging gaps between the student body, we will be able to find strength in unity and diversity as “Trojans one and all.” The Student Government Association is committed to excellence in leadership through service, enthusiasm and Trojan pride, in order to connect the students to the administration so that the administration can hear exactly what the students want to see from the university.


As SGA president, I will be a catalyst in being the voice for you all that connects us to the administration so that our expectations for Troy University as students are not only met, but exceeded.


I am passionately committed to this university, Student Government Association and, most importantly, you. I am beyond blessed to have the opportunity to serve, represent and be a voice for you all as your next SGA president.


I would greatly and humbly appreciate your vote and support so that we can bring real progress to the real people of Troy University.


Thank you, and go Trojans!


Ashli Morris


Hey, fellow Trojans! I am excited to have the honor of running to be your next SGA president! I have served in SGA at Troy for three years (as Freshman Forum president, Freshman Forum director and senator at large), and it has been one of the best influences on my college experience!


I am eager to serve you through this position because I truly believe in the work that SGA does and our potential to become much better. It is our responsibility to be as representative of you, your needs and your desires as we possibly can.


My platform focus is on unity, inclusiveness and intentionality. I am committed to bringing these elements to the table if I am elected as SGA president.


I have three primary areas of focus. My first initiative, Breaking Barriers and Building Relationships, is aimed to further cultivate an environment of unity and inclusiveness on our campus. It is our job as the SGA senate and Troy Trojans to treat each person on our campus, regardless of gender, race or nationality, as our Trojan family. I believe that if we commit to this, our college experience, as a whole, would be much richer in meaning.


My second initiative, Enhancing Trojan Pride, is focused on improving game day environments for ALL sports and giving you the opportunity to find more meaning and purpose in your journey here at Troy. I plan to work diligently with the vice president of campus activities to make your participation in athletic events even better! In an effort to give more meaning and purpose to each of our journeys here, I want to provide more opportunities for you meet with alumni of Troy to gain connections, wisdom and guidance.


My last initiative, Leaving a Legacy, is the most open to be what YOU want it to be. My commitment to you is that if I am elected, I will make myself as available as I can to work with you on your goals and dreams as well as help you make connections that will help you turn them into reality! Additionally, I aim for SGA to start a Scholarship Fund, which will give the Senate a unique opportunity to directly invest in your success as a student!


I truly believe that my seat at the table is YOUR seat at the table, so I hope that I have your vote on Feb. 22!


With Trojan Pride,


Ashli Morris

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