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  • Josh Richards

Fundraising for a cure

Troy University’s Relay for Life is gearing up for this year’s event to raise money for cancer research.


The nonprofit organization will be hosting a bar night at the Front Porch on Feb. 17.


“We’re going to try to have door prizes and contests,” said Cassie Gibbs, a senior English major from Sweet Water and chair of Relay for Life. “Mostly we want to make sure everyone has fun and comes out to support the Relay for Life committee.”


The bar night, a Mardi Gras-themed party, will include an event called “Save Your Hair! And Fight Cancer.” Campus organizations can nominate a male to represent them and raise money to prevent them from having their heads shaved. Those nominees who raise the least amount of money will have their heads shaved. Anyone who raises no money will get a reverse Mohawk.


Nominations for the hair-shaving event are due Monday, Feb. 9. To nominate someone, contact Amber Voss at


This event will be held at the Front Porch, and DJ Goliath will be the night’s entertainment. Doors open at 8 p.m. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the event. To order tickets in advance, contact Cassie Gibbs at 334-654-4679.


The bar night is just one way that Relay for Life is getting ready for its major event in March. This year’s theme is “Spotlight on Hope.” Participating teams can use favorite movies as themes for their tents at the March event or during any other fundraising events.


There will be music and games at the March event. Teams are invited to sell food or create games to play the night of the event in an effort to raise money for the organization.


Gibbs said the Relay committee is hoping to have a midnight 5K the night of the relay, though it has not been officially finalized.


Relay for Life sets a monetary goal for each organization, along with an overall goal, to raise for cancer research.


“Our overall goal is to raise $18,000,” Gibbs said. “As an added bonus, if you become a participant and raise $100, you get a Relay for Life T-shirt.”


Amber Voss, a senior political science major from Wetumpka and a Relay for Life committee member, wants to encourage everyone to donate to Relay for Life.


“This year I’m helping with organizing teams,” Voss said. “My goal this year is to get a lot more of the university involved with the event, because it’s a great event. I’ve had family in my life that have been affected by cancer, and I just want to help raise money and support the cause.”


Anyone who is unable to participate in Relay for Life events is invited to donate to Troy’s Relay for Life event by going to and searching for the Troy University event.


“This is really important,” Gibbs said. “This event raises money to help find cures for cancer. It’s a really great cause. The least we can do is help others.”

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