When A&E editor goddess Kianna Collins first asked me if I would be interested in joining the Tropolitan’s editorial staff, I said “yes” without a second’s thought.
Had I mulled over it, I might have hesitated.
The endless hours of chasing sources, the panic attacks you get when writers cancel on stories at the very last minute, the mind-numbing encounters with unreasonable interviewees and never being able to go to Dollar movie nights — being a Tropper isn’t easy.
Yet, it has been one of the best and most rewarding ventures I have taken upon here at Troy.
In my time as Variety and News Editor, I learned more about journalism than I ever anticipated and built incredible bonds with the most unexpected people. I won’t list all the names out; you know who you are.
I do want to take a moment to recognize one man who we often take for granted — our Trop adviser, Steve Stewart.
I sincerely thank you for all the times you made me change a headline, redesign my page, write a new lead or reminded me about the “em dash” for the 700th time.
Without your critique and suggestions, I wouldn’t be the journalist I am today, and the Trop wouldn’t be the paper it has grown into. Thank you for not letting us settle for mediocrity.
I hope you push the baby Troppers the same way.
I have the deepest appreciation for all my writers, copy editors, graphic designers and photographers.
For all the times you missed a beat, there were 10 other occasions when you killed it.
Your hard work always made the front page shine, and, by extension, made me look good. My sincere gratitude goes out to you all.
For all the future Troppers, I have a few words of unqualified advice. Your work at the Trop should be about more than meeting deadlines. Your stories do make a difference, so find meaning in every word you write.
Don’t get comfortable. Challenge yourself to excel because what you do matters.
Also, AP Style is the boss. Never ignore it.
I can get more nostalgic and grateful, but Jane Morrell, our Opinion Editor, would have my head for exceeding the word count.
So I bid farewell with a corny, anonymous quote:
“How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to.”
For all the laughter, music, Domino’s pizza and the memories that came with it, I will forever be indebted to my Trop family.