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  • Jamie Bennett

Going home for the weekend? Reconsider

With a town as small as Troy, it is easy to assume that there is nothing to do on the weekends. Few things could be further from the truth.

Upperclassmen were asked to give some entertainment suggestions for the weekends.

“I think that there is a park in the downtown Troy area that no one ever thinks about,” said Caren Carr, a senior interpreting major from Cincinnati, Ohio. “It’s so cool to just go there and relax with your friends.”

In addition to having a park, the square provides many interesting restaurants, such as Milky Moo’s, an ice cream parlor, and Dolce, a new French bakery.

There are also shops, like the antique store and clothing shops.

For those interested in something a little more fast-paced, look no further than Fraternity Row.

“I enjoy going to frat parties on the weekend,” said Victoria Brutlag, a sophomore hospitality management major from Scottsborough. “They’re fun and a great way to meet new people.”

For those looking to get involved on the campus, Rebecca Ann Armstrong, a junior graphic design major from Birmingham said, “S.C.A.D.A. (Students Concerned About Disability Awareness) is a good way to get involved if you want to make a difference.”

There are even some teachers with ideas of how to spend your free time.

“The Capri Theatre in Montgomery shows really good movies, both foreign and American,” said James Sherry, a French professor at Troy. “Plus there are many nice restaurants close by.”

“I leave on the weekends to visit home sometimes, but it’s cool to stay on campus and have time to hang out with your friends,” said Paige Bartlett, a junior nursing major from Decatur.

Needless to say, despite its size Troy has a lot to offer its students in terms of pastimes. One freshmen has already found something to do with her weekend free time.

“I have found a very useful thing to do on the weekend,” said Maggie Eaton, a freshmen global business major from Alabaster. “Napping.”

There are other things to do around Troy also. Here is a list of things to pass the time on a weekend:

The Johnson Center of the Arts shows special exhibits of famous local artists.

Studio 116 in Brundidge has special nights featuring events like spoken word and art exhibits. It also hosts the launch parties for the campus literary publication, The Rubicon.

Clubs on campus offer more adventurous alternatives, such as the LARPers Guild, Humans vs. Zombies, and the Quidditch team.

For those that are old enough to drink, there is the Front Porch bar.

If you are looking to just stay in, the public library has a wide selection of new and old movies, audio books, and novels.

So whether you’re looking for something wild and adventurous or relaxing and fun, stick around Troy long enough and you’ll discover a world of possibilities.

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