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Goodbye for now

Staff Writer

Hanna Cooper Editor-In-Chief Three years and three positions later, my time with the Trop is done, sort of. Over the last three years, I have learned the value of accountability and mentorship. I have learned to love the constant changes and the whirlwind of events always happening. I have learned to laugh when I make mistakes. I have learned how to think on my feet and that “host” is a noun. The experience I have gained over these three years is invaluable. I have gained a stronger global perspective, a better sense of the importance of community and a passion for telling the stories that often would have been unheard. Journalism has grown my desire to aid the world in achieving equality one baby step at a time. Journalism has shown me a tiny glimpse into the lives of the marginalized and sparked a passion for sharing the realities of their lives. Walter Cronkite said “journalism is what we need to make democracy work,” and working with the Trop has taught me just how true that statement is. When handled appropriately, journalism can be world changing. To my writers, sections editors and the friends I have made through my time here, thank you for shaping me into a better journalist and a better person. To Dr. Taylor, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking me under your wing and being not only a great mentor but an even better friend and confidant. I truly cannot express to you how influential you have been on my life. However, you’re not all done with my yet! Starting at the end of May, I will start working towards my master’s in strategic communication here at Troy. I have accepted a graduate assistant position in the Troy Athletics Communications office. While I am transition into a new role here at Troy, I will forever be available to aid the Trop in any way I can.




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