Troy University sororities and fraternities came together with the Red Cross on Tuesday and Wednesday last week for a blood drive.
This blood drive, located in the Trojan Center Ballrooms, was a part of Greek Week, which brings Greek organizations together for philanthropy and fun.
“We feel it's very, very important to do our part here on campus to help by giving our blood or at least try to encourage and help the organization [Red Cross] to get their name out,” said Matthew Santoro, a sophomore cybersecurity major from Phenix City, Alabama. Santoro is a member of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and was a volunteer at the event.
According to the Red Cross, America is experiencing a nationwide blood shortage.
Santoro said the Greek organizations were aware of the shortage, and this influenced the decision to hold a blood drive.
“It really helps give students a sense of giving back to the community because it not only gives back locally to Troy but also, of course, the United States as well,” Santoro said. Students had many different reasons to donate blood.
“I heard that it may save the lives of people for different medical reasons, and I just wanted to come out and maybe have a chance to save somebody's life,” said Ty Denton, a freshman from Knoxville, Tennessee, majoring in global business.”
“I just was like, this is a good thing to do, and I've always wanted to do it, so I did it,” said Micahya Burton, a senior biomedical sciences major from Jackson, Mississippi. “Resources must be available for when people need them.
“If everyone gives one pint of blood, then that's one less thing for the medical professionals to worry about needing.”
Burton wants students to know that giving blood is for the greater good.
“I feel like it's just something good anyone can do,” Burton said. “Why not do it?
“At most, it might make you a little dizzy. That's it. I feel like it's not gonna hurt you and it's gonna help so many people, so just do it.”