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  • Abby Taylor

High school journalism students visiting campus

High school students interested in journalism will be participating in Journalism Day (J-Day) today to expose them to various aspects of the journalism field.


According to Troy’s Hall School of Journalism and Communication web page, J-Day is being presented “to educate future college students about the options they have when choosing a career path in the fields of journalism or communication.”


“J-Day is extremely important because it exposes secondary school students to the daily workings of the media,” said Jeff Spurlock, director of the Hall School of Journalism and Communication.


Faculty and guest speakers will host workshops, such as sports reporting, photography, media legal concerns and ad sales, to teach students about journalism and communication.


“The students interact with print and broadcast professionals and learn about topics such as online reporting, media law, and television anchoring,” Spurlock said.


Aaron Taylor, the television production coordinator, will be teaching a workshop on videography on J-Day.


“I really hope that students get a strong foundation of basic videography techniques they can build on while in their high school programs,” Taylor said.


Taylor said he wants students to learn from the workshops to work towards a career in the broadcasting field.


“I see a lot of students come from high schools that have broadcast programs where they haven’t been taught some of the most basic videography techniques,” Taylor said. “It would be good if they (students) started off on the right foot if they plan on pursuing broadcasting as a career.”


Students will learn about different aspects of broadcast and communication to take back to school with them.


“If they (students) take the tips I give them back to their schools, it could potentially make for a better-looking production,” Taylor said.


Katelyn Dewrell, a junior multimedia journalism major from Shinbone and business manager for the Palladium, said she will be helping with the yearbook design workshop.


“I will be handing out slips about the Palladium with information about our staff and opportunities offered when you (students) join staff,” Dewrell said. “I hope students will become interested in joining the Palladium one day.”


Spurlock also said that he wants students to consider Troy for college upon graduation.


“This is also a tremendous recruiting tool for the Hall School of Journalism and Communication,” Spurlock said. “After their day with us, we hope to see many of these students return to Troy when it is time for them to enroll in college.”

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