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  • Madina Seytmuradova

International Education Week at Troy University: events preview

International Education Week (IEW) kicks off at Troy University on Sunday, Oct. 30, with a Soccer Tournament.  According to Megan Simon, an international student adviser, the teams do not have to represent any specific country.


“Anyone can put a team together,” Simon said. “So we have teams of mixed internationals and Americans, we have teams who have boys and girls—it’s nice.”


Justin Lampley, an international student adviser responsible for the tournament, said that although the team captains will be meeting on Thursday, students interested can still sign up until Friday afternoon at the international office.


“Just have a roster with seven to 10 players, $15 dues and pick a team color,” Lampley said. There were three teams signed up to play as of Wednesday morning, according to Lampley, which means that the team Ivory Toast may win for a third year in a row.


IEW is a national week of celebrating the international education and cultural exchange that was initiated by the U.S. State Department and Education Department.


According to Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the week promotes “programs that prepare Americans for a global environment that attracts future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences.”


Troy University IEW events include presentations and round-table discussions, an annual bazaar, the annual International Rotary Luncheon and a Women’s Basketball Exhibition with guests from abroad.


“Tuesday night, we have a team coming in from Brazil, a semi-pro women’s team, and they’re going to play our women’s basketball team at 7 p.m.,” Simon said.


International Student Cultural Organization (ISCO) Festival has traditionally been the focal point of IEW at Troy University. The Festival is a dinner banquet show featuring performances of students from various countries.  This year, according to ISCO Chair of Administration Lydia Gilmer, a freshman anthropology major from Chelsea, the appetizers will highlight Greek, Chinese and Italian cuisine.


“For entrées we have Indian vegetable curry with naan, Saudi Arabian lamb Kasba, Mexican chicken enchiladas, Chinese sesame chicken and Spanish stuffed peppers,” Gilmer said.


Festival tickets can be purchased at a table in Trojan Center (TC) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Nov. 2.

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