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International students make impact on campus

Staff Writer

Arthur Mehregan 


Jennifer Keil

Staff Writers

International students play a vital role in adding diversity to American college life while boosting the U.S. economy.

"International students contributed $44 billion to the U.S. in 2019," according to the U.S. Department of Commerce.

But money isn’t the only contribution international students in the United States make. They complete scientific and technical research during their time in school, too. 

Sarah Gillis, an international student adviser at Troy, mentioned that about 80 international students arrived at Troy just this year.

 Some international students at Troy are on campus for only a semester, while others participate in a two or four year program. 

Most of the new international students arrived in Troy the first week of 2022. 

This gave the students a chance to explore the campus before the classes started. 

The international office organized different orientation meetings with the students to understand how universities work in the U.S. 

With the help of volunteers, welcome bags, presentations and campus tours international students had the perfect start to a new journey.

Like previous years, the international students have come from different countries such as South Korea, Finland, Sweden, Iran, the Netherlands, Germany, Egypt, China, Pakistan, Guatemala, Myanmar and many other places.

It is normal for there to be about 60 countries represented at Troy. 

Since the cultural differences vary remarkably, it can be intriguing to talk to international students and learn something about their country.

"The trip from Helsinki to Troy lasted 27 hours," said Veronika Koskinen, a marketing and management graduate student from Helsinki, Finland. 

She shared that she could be herself here in Troy and laugh loudly. 

She additionally noticed that people were friendly and that everyone was smiling. 

"In Finland, people are not that friendly; they are cold," Koskinen added.

Based on individual interests here at Troy, international students can take advantage of Troy's abundant opportunities.

This includes joining athletic clubs, art clubs, the business and marketing club and the English language club. There is even an International Students Cultural Organization where both international and American students celebrate each other’s countries and cultures.

Participating in extracurriculars and interacting with American students helps international students improve their English skills, while branching out helps international students follow passions and hobbies to help them adapt to the new environment.

In conclusion, the most significant impact of having international students is the opportunity for American students to extend networks and friendships globally.

The cultural trade made between American and international students will be unforgettable, learning about other countries' food, tradition, music and languages while sharing their own ideas and traditions.

Each week this semester the Tropolitan will feature stories about Troy’s international students.

This article was written by Arthur Mehregan from Iran and Jennifer Keil from Germany. Both are international students on Troy’s campus for one semester. 




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