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It’s all about whom you know in college

Beth Hyatt

When students first come to college, there are many people who surround them. The crowds can be intimidating at times and can leave students wondering whom to turn to. As a whole, almost every contact you make at college can be beneficial.


But, there are 10 types of people on campus whom every student needs to know in order to make it through college: Chancellor Jack Hawkins Jr. and the deans of the colleges, resident assistants, older students, academic advisers, the bookstore manager, Student Government Association members, departmental secretaries, scholarship coordinators, maintenance workers and tutors.


Beginning the list are Chancellor Hawkins and the deans of the colleges. Why do you need to know them? Hawkins is the head of the university. He is the “big man on campus” who makes things run and gets things done. While you may not be on a first-name basis with him, it is important to know him and recognize him. If you are fortunate enough to know him personally and be on good terms, make sure he remembers you.


The deans, on the other hand, are the heads of individual departments. They manage their departments and take care of whatever may come their way. If you have a problem with a required class filling up too soon or you have a complaint about the way something is done, these are the people you need to see.


Next is your resident assistant. If you live in the residence halls on campus, you will have an RA, and it will be important to know him or her.


The RAs are the ones who can put in work orders for you when your lightbulbs blow and inform you of important happenings in the housing department and around campus. Sometimes, they can just be listening ears. RAs are resourceful individuals who can assist you immediately or guide you to the right people.


It’s always handy to know an upperclassman who has been around the campus for a few years. These students can be a wellspring of knowledge and can make your college transition much easier.


Older students can tell you, truthfully, what teachers to take and not to take, where to eat at what time and all of the best ways to spend time outside class.


When it comes to planning your class schedule, it is crucial to know whom to talk to. This is where your academic adviser comes in — he or she has been there and done that and knows what you need to take and when to take it.


Be on good terms with them from the start because you will be seeing your advisers every semester until graduation.


After meeting with your adviser, the departmental secretary is the person you need to see. The secretaries are responsible for filing, organizing and submitting your class schedule.


If you have a class conflict or a substitution form to be filed, or just need directions to Adams Administration, the secretaries will be there to lend a helping hand.


Once you have your class schedule, you’re going to need your textbooks. This is when you pay a visit to Aliza McGee, Barnes and Noble bookstore manager.


McGee can assist you in all things scholastic and book-related. Her staff members are there to help in any way possible, whether it’s an inquiry about book prices or just knowing where the Scantrons are.


When it comes to managing scholarships, most students are in the dark. This is why Melissa Foran, scholarship coordinator, is a need-to-know woman. If there is a billing issue that needs to be settled or an amount that is incorrect, she will do whatever she can to fix it.


Foran cares about the well being of the students and knows whom to call and what to say in order to make things right.


Do you have some big ideas for campus improvement? Tell those ideas to an SGA member.


A member of the SGA is always a handy person to know because she can give you the inside scoop on what is happening politically on campus. If you know an SGA member, you have a direct line to having your ideas heard.


When something breaks, leaks or explodes, “Who you gonna call?” No, not Ghostbusters, but the Physical Plant. These maintenance workers are the unsung heroes of the campus, and they rarely get the gratitude for everything they do. They put in long hours every day and see countless broken showers, toilets, pipes and numerous other mishaps.


So, the next time you see a Physical Plant worker, tell him thanks for all that he does.


Having difficulty writing a paper or just organizing your thoughts? Visit Elaine Bassett and the Writing Center tutors in Eldridge Hall. They’re more than willing to help you begin a paper, decide on a topic and help you find errors in your writing.


These tutors are here to help but not to write the paper for you. So, when in doubt about an essay or a paper, know the people who can be your saviors.



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