As many of you already know if you read my first opinion piece, I’m a big foodie. If it looks good and smells good, then your girl is going to eat it. One thing you may not know is that a picky foodie.
Certain foodies your girl wouldn’t dare put in her mouth. That is what we’ll be discussing in this article. Hopefully, my writing of this article doesn’t get my Black card revoked. Let’s start off with meat, I absolutely adore fried chicken. I want to be a fried chicken, specifically a leg or wing because those are the only parts of chicken I eat.
Baked chicken on the other hand is a no-go for me. Where is the crispy, crunchy skin – it’s not there for sure. I know many people say it’s healthier for you, but I just can’t do it. A lady I follow on TikTok Cekeyus Jones became famous for her saying about fried fish; she says “if that fish ain’t fried hard I don’t want it.” That is exactly how I feel about my chicken.
Disclaimer: I will eat my mom’s chicken alfredo with grilled chicken, but you won’t see me willingly eating some baked chicken.
Moving on to vegetables, this is a big category for me. I love myself some collard greens with ham hocks or any type of meat. I must have some meat to eat with my collards; plus, the meat helps season the greens. All I’ll need is some Crystal’s hot sauce to pour on top. Boy, it’s so good, it’ll make you want to slap your mother; I want my life, though.
One time my grams cooked some collards for me after church one Sunday, so she said. You know me, I couldn’t wait to go to her house after church – your girl was too excited. I ran into the kitchen all ready to fix my plate. I prepped my collards with hot sauce and stuff like that.
I sat down beginning to eat. I said, “grams your collards taste weird.” Oh, why did I say that? Y’all know how older people get; they know they can throw down in the kitchen. Turns out my grams mixed turnips and collards together, thinking I wouldn’t taste the difference. Now, what was she thinking?
I was somewhat disappointed because like I said earlier, your girl was so thrilled to eat some collards after church. I don’t like turnips at all, and yes, you can tell the difference between the two. My grandma argued with me up and down saying, “no you can’t, they all taste the same!” I simply said, “no ma’am.”
Another thing people eat with collards is cornbread. Or as my grams calls it, hot water cornbread. Hot water cornbread is disgusting, it tastes like you’re eating a pile of sand just so gritty (I can’t!). What most people do in my family is break off a piece of cornbread by dipping it in collard juice and pick up the collards and cornbread together then put them in their mouths. I eat my collards by hand with no bread. You don’t need bread to go with the collards, they are perfect just the way they are.
Disclaimer: I love the jiffy cornbread, but by itself. My mom told me that when I was younger that she used to put icing on it like it was cake for my birth and your girl would go to town.
That was just a short list of some foods I don’t like. If you want a continued list, feel free to let me know.