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  • Writer's pictureraepwood

Judging others based on vices

As I was scrolling through my news feed on Facebook recently, I realized that there’s a pattern becoming quite apparent with the people I’m friends with.

Among the pseudo-philosophers, the political argument instigators and the cat-lovers, one thing is the same in a lot of what I’m seeing being posted – judgment.

We tend to judge people on nearly everything from the clothes they wear to the people they hang out with, even to what they choose to do every day in their personal lives.

We’re all guilty of talking about others behind their backs and either making fun or making judgments about them based on their actions.

However, there has to be a line drawn somewhere.

One part of the problem is that it seems that far too many individuals are putting their business out there for the whole world to see and hear.

Not everyone necessarily needs to know what you did last night or who you did it with.

Naturally, with everyone sharing their business with everybody else, people will talk.

We all find every little thing we can judge someone else for.

We’ve been accepting this kind of behavior for far too long now.

What bothers me specifically is the judgment of others’ vices that people tend to have.

I don’t know a single person who doesn’t have at least one vice.

We all have that one, or more than one, thing we do that we know isn’t good for us but we do it anyway.

Some people sleep around, some drink too much, some smoke cigarettes, and some curse like sailors.

The list goes on and on.

Something that a lot of people don’t keep in mind is that morality differs with everyone.

What one person may think is immoral, another person doesn’t see the harm in it.

It’s not really fair to judge someone else for their actions because it’s just not your problem, in all actuality.

Some people actually feel that their vices benefit them.

Regardless of whether vices benefit them is irrelevant, because the problem is that other people think they know what’s best for everyone else.

That’s not to say that there aren’t some vices out there that people engage in far too often.

Some of these can end in harm to their well-being, but I digress.

However, habit differs from addiction and although the line is fine, it’s there.

Likewise, there’s also a fine line between pointing out a person’s vices because of concern and pointing them out purely in judgment.

I’ve just been noticing a lot of people lately sort of putting themselves in the “holier than thou” category, and I think we all need to remember that everyone is on their own personal journey through life.

Everyone makes their own decisions in life and no one is entitled to judge others for that.

We’re not perfect and we can’t expect anyone else to be.

In the words of Jesse Jackson, “Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up.”

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