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‘Let’s Talk About Sex,’ Troy

Staff Writer

Oluwaseun Omotayo Trojan Outreach will hold its next project “Let’s Talk About Sex” next Wednesday. The project will focus on creating conversations about safer sex. “We will be giving out information about how to use different kinds of contraceptives,” said Morgan Williams, a graduate assistant from Mobile, Alabama, and the coordinator for Trojan Outreach. “We will also offer order forms for our Bedside Bags.” The Bedside Bags will be free for students and will contain different contraceptives, tampons, pads, dental dams and other items. Those interested will need to scan a QR code that can be found on the organization’s flyers, which leads them to an anonymous interest form. The data gathered will be used to ensure the needs of students are met during this program. Interest forms can found at and will be available until after spring break, according to Williams. “Let’s Talk About Sex” will be Feb. 10 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in TC. Trojan Outreach will also be collaborating with Miss E.L.I.T.E to chalk the quad on Feb. 11 with messages about sexual health.




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