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Letter to the editor: late night coffee struggles

By Corey Short

As the semester comes to an end, there is a great need for coffee to keep students going. At this point many students work through sleepless nights to complete papers or to cram for final exams.


These students rely heavily on coffee to keep them going, but there’s one large problem that each one faces: you can’t buy coffee on campus after seven.


This puts a real strain on students that must find other methods to stay awake or are forced to spend time leaving campus to purchase coffee. Some students don’t even have the ability to leave campus at night due to a lack of transportation.


Currently, Barnes and Noble closes the latest, around seven every weekday, and even earlier on the weekends. Einstein Bros. is the next best option, closing at six every day and staying closed on the weekends.


This makes it nearly impossible for anyone studying for exams or working on papers at night to be able to get an extra energy boost from an on campus location. This is a problem seen by students all semester but during finals it becomes a larger problem.


During finals week, the library extends its hour to accommodate for all the students that spend their nights up late studying.


Why can’t Barnes and Noble or Einstein’s follow suit and stay open for these students, at least for the one week out of the semester when the students need it most?

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