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Letter to the editor: Troy University should place more American flags on campus


Updated: Jul 5, 2024

Jacob Fitchett

As I casually walk from my fraternity house to my classes in Bibb Graves and Patterson I can’t help but notice the beautiful flags the University have recently erected behind Hawkins, but something is missing.


There are two locations on campus that outwardly display our pride as the largest international university in the world: one display in front of Pace Hall, and the other behind Hawkins. There is but one American Flag on campus and it is located at tailgate terrace outside of Veterans Memorial Stadium.


I come from a military upbringing, and I have pride in my country. I am not upset at the lack of American flags on campus, but I would like to see more.


People are so focused on individualism, but sometimes it’s nice to see “Ole’ Glory” flying, reminding us that although we are diverse, we are Americans.


The students that are not Americans have all traveled a great distance to the United States in order to have the opportunity to better themselves, and learn about American culture.


It may not be at the top of the list for University officials, but is it really that hard to put an American flag in the roundabout flower bead in front of Trojan Dining Hall, and another on the Bibb Graves quad?



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